Posted: April 13th, 2023
You Will Take A Stance On Whether You Think Exotic-Invasive Plant And Animal Species Should Be Controlled, Removed And Managed Using The Options Provided In The Book Chapter Exotic Species.
You will take a stance on whether you think exotic-invasive plant and animal species should be controlled, removed and managed using the options provided in the book chapter Exotic Species. You could argue that the exotic invasive species should be removed because they bring devastating impacts on the native ecosystems, or you could choose to take a position that the species were deliberately brought by people, or got introduced accidentally and it is not their fault, and they have a right to live as any other organisms do, and thus they should be left alone and not managed.
Your opinion should be maximum of 700 words and minimal of 400 words, and should be yours and only your words. If you want you can get help from the writing center or ask me to look at your document before submission. Do need to cite the book chapter only
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