Posted: April 20th, 2022
You have been assigned Version B of the Cost Analysis Project for ACTG 2120.
You have been assigned Version B of the Cost Analysis Project for ACTG 2120. You will prepare this project on Excel or Numbers. There is a video in the D2L shell under Computer Projects that describes how to prepare the project in Excel. Your Excel file with Parts A-E and the Scenarios Summary should be uploaded to the D2L Dropbox by Monday, April 25. Please let me know if you have any questions. This is a fun project where you work with various cost and sales price assumptions for the Snazzy Pup Company. Enjoy and good luck!
just part B
the video link
Version B of the Cost Analysis Project for ACTG 2120 has been assigned to you. This project will be created in Excel or Numbers. In the D2L shell, under Computer Projects, there is a video that explains how to prepare the project in Excel. Parts A-E of your Excel file, as well as the Scenarios Summary, must be uploaded to the D2L Dropbox by Monday, April 25. If you have any questions, please let me know. This is a fun project in which you use various cost and sales price assumptions for the Snazzy Pup Company. Have fun and good luck!
only part B
the video URL