Posted: December 16th, 2022
Written discussion: critical listening/careful listening while
**Due Tomorrow 9/02/2020 by 7:00 pm pacific USA time.
Written Discussion: Critical Listening/Careful Listening
While viewing the following two videos, listen carefully for–
- What do the videos have in common? In what ways do they differ? What drew your attention or what did you find valuable?
- Why do you know what you know? Why do you feel confident with what you have learned while watching these videos? Share the examples or information which best support the speakers’ viewpoints.
- How will you use the information in these videos to adjust, improve, or change your listening style and/or listening skills?
Shape your ideas (and support) into a substantial post. Spend “quality time” thinking about your experience and then develop 3 paragraphs of 10 – 12 sentences per bullet point. Remember you’re focusing on “the what,” “the why,” and “the how.”
Ultimately, you might ask yourself, has this experience moved me toward my own philosophy of listening? If so, incorporate that into your writing.
FYI: It is certainly appropriate to refer back to the information in the videos but MLA or APA referencing is NOT necessary. This is informal writing. You are contemplating what it is you are learning, why the material is substantial, and how it is impacting you now and possibly into your future.
Once you’ve completed your response, review and comment on as many of your classmates’ writings as possible. You’ll want to communicate with a minimum of 3. (Remember, you’re not just posting a sentence or two.) Do your best to develop your writing so that you’re moving the conversation forward. Engage your classmates in a conversation about how they want to improve their listening skills.
Video 1
Video 2