Posted: April 13th, 2023
Writing a function that takes the name as a parameter and dictionaries essay
I’m working on a python question and need support to help me understand better.
Write a function that takes the name of an input file as a parameter and then reads the input file. The input file contains an unsorted list of a number of seasons followed by the corresponding TV show. Your program should put the contents of the input file into a dictionary where the number of seasons are the keys, and a list of TV shows are the values (since multiple shows could have the same number of seasons). Finally, the function returns the dictionary. (Note: The keys in the dictionary are integers and not string)
Input: (Download the input file ‘input.txt’ from here) :
Content of input.txt:
The Simpsons
Will & Grace
Law & Order
Murder, She Wrote
Expected output:
The returned dictionary for the file input.txt should be
{20: [‘Gunsmoke’,’Law & Order’],30: [‘The Simpsons’], 10: [‘Will & Grade’], 14: [‘Dallas’], 12: [‘Murder, She Wrote’]}
Hints (Not the complete solution or steps):
1. Once you have opened the file, which file read method will make the rest of the task easier? read() or readlines()?
2. Think about converting the lines of the file into a list of strings. Do you need to strip anything from the items on the list?
3. Do you see any pattern for the location of the keys in this list?
4. The values should be stored as a list for each key. Do you need to check if a value for a key already exists in the dictionary? If so what should you do?
-research paper writing servic