In the land of free trade, the public does not view all industries as equal. Do you believe that is ethical? Do you believe that some industries are unfairly targeted? Should it be consumers’ choice to partake in products that are not healthy for them, or do those companies have an ethical obligation to protect […]
Discussion 1: “Community Efforts and Managing Public Relations (PR)” Please respond to the following: You are a new PR intern at Apple. Apple is donating 200 iPads to a local inner-city school to promote technology in education. As a PR intern, you need to get the word out about this event. In your discussion post, […]
What is a benefit of a standardized marketing mix? A standardized international marketing mix reduces the time it takes to prepare a marketing plan.
Compare and contrast the different elements of the Six Sigma philosophy. Which element is the most important and which is the least important? What are three ways your university or your workplace could improve quality?
What are the characteristics of a transformational leader. How do they transform their followers? Select someone that you believe to be a transformational leader, and illustrate your points.
How does the Layers of OSI Model, Network work Topology and LAN concepts impact Data Communication and how do the concepts apply to a career in Information Technology?
E-Commerce is the death knell of the traditional department store” – Please discuss the impact of E-Commerce on traditional department stores. You should also discuss the impacts of E-Commerce from the perspective of the consumer and the society both in developed and under-developed countries.
Project Manager Interview: Can I have someone help me with this assignment who works as Project manger, or someone who is working at least 50% as a PM now answer these questions for me. Questions are as followed: answers with 3-4 pages. 1) What are the primary responsibilities of a project manager? 2) What’s your […]
a) Discuss the market conditions when a low-cost provider strategy becomes increasingly attractive for a company to use. b) What are the common missteps to be avoided in pursuing a differentiation strategy?
Describe the motivator-hygiene model. What is the motivators factors and what are some hygiene factors? How can you apply this model in workplace? List examples? What are ways to improve motivation in the workplace?