Business reports should be typed, double spaced, single side printing, standard margins, and all sources fully cited.(APA or MLP) A “Work Cited” Reference page should include any referenced newspaper and or magazine articles, and any Website material. Use standard footnotes and citations. Papers must be no longer than 8 double-spaced typewritten pages (Times New Roman […]
Consumer Behavior Case Application Paper Case: “Vespanomics” Case studies offer opportunity to consider hypothetical situations. This Assignment requires you to provide analysis and recommendations based upon the information presented in the case plus application of information from the textbook and from at least three additional relevant journal articles you choose from the Kaplan Library. Opinions […]
The Marketing Plan for POWERSHOP AUSTRALIA You are required to prepare a marketing plan for a local organisation selected by the lecturer and subject coordinator (details of the client company will be outlined and given to you in week 1). The plan will be presented to senior management. Follow the steps outlined in the subject […]
VALS is one of the most popular proprietary segmentation tools used in marketing. Go to the VALS website: and take the free VALS survey. How could the results aid marketers in drafting a successful segmentation strategy? One of the most exciting advances in market segmentation is the increasing use of geographic information systems (GIS) […]
Assignment: Discussion-Factors and Trends that Influence Strategy Development In this module, you will explore how businesses react to changing economic times and the influence this has on product and service positioning in the market place. You will also learn about the different approaches an organization may take such as a retrenchment approach, an investment approach, […]
How can you identify the appropriate place and promotional strategy that should be used in the development of the strategic marketing plan
Describe marketing uses of packaging and labeling. Packaging has four functions: containing and protecting products; promoting products; facilitating product storage, use, and convenience; and facilitating recycling and reducing environmental damage. As a tool for promotion, packaging identifies the brand and its features. It also serves the critical function of differentiating a product from competing products […]
Price is an important element of the marketing mix. Create a 300-400-word response and describe the importance of pricing in the marketing mix. Describe three different pricing strategies and provide a real-life example of each in action. Suggest another strategy that would have worked better. What are the steps that need to be followed for […]
You have been hired as a consultant by your local mayor to look at the various market structures. Your role is to provide analysis and answers to these important questions that will help the mayor understand the structures of many of the businesses in his city: Describe each market structure discussed in the course (perfect […]
QUESTION 1 i) How has the Internet and technology junction contributed to the accelerated deployment of Information systems in organizations. ii) What are the prospects and challenges to ‘disintermediation’ in e-Business/ e-Commerce. iii) How can Information Systems transform/influence a business activity? iv) Talk about the main challenges in the harnessing of Information Systems in organizations. […]