Determine whether the U. S. Constitution constrains the Federal and state responses to the issue 1. Congressional Ethics. Identify one member of Congress who has been charged with ethics violations. Briefly discuss the reason for the charges and provide two reasons why you agree or disagree with the verdict and any penalties. Provide examples to […]
Effects of socio-cultural differences of WaltDisney in opening parks overseas 1. Explain how socio-cultural differences create problems for WaltDisney in opening parks overseas. 2. Ethically, would it be fair to pay U.S. employees who arerelocated overseas a different wage than local employees receive?Please justify your position. 3. Is it a good idea to open American […]
What potential legal or ethical issues could arise if the information gained in a survey Research Microsoft Excel, the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS), and the legal and ethical aspects of surveys and data collection. Answer the following questions separately and completely: Describe ways in which MS Excel can be used by a […]
Research Proposal Development Process on Food waste Management Overview of the Research Proposal – Food waste Management This course requires the development of an original research proposal that applies the concepts and knowledge associated with the research designs, methods, and practices covered by the coursework. The proposal will describe an empirical research project that you […]
Analyze national policy You have been preparing for this final assignment each week by constructing a detailed outline of the Final Paper’s main points through the weekly Learning Activities. In addition, you have read the course text and course readings, reviewed videos, and researched additional material for each week’s assignments and for this paper. This […]
Analyze and Understand Evaluation Major Essay #1 is an evaluation of a published argument. Evaluation is the highest level of cognitive thinking in Bloom’s Taxonomy and thus a very important skill to understand and use efficiently. This means that you will be evaluating whether or not the author’s writing style/writing choices / argument techniques are […]
Analyze the overall effect of global competition on the business 1. “Business Improvement” Please respond to the following: Note: Online students, please select one of the two subjects to discuss. • Select one (1) project from the working or educational environment of your choice and specify the main work process (e.g., suppliers and customers involved, […]
Analyze The Culture of American Advertising Masters of Desire: The Culture of American Advertising READING THE TEXT 1. Describe in your own words the paradox of the American dream, as Solomon sees it. 2. In Solomon’s view, why do status symbols work particularly well in manipu-lating American consumers? 3. What is a “guilt” ad (para. […]
Identify successful evidence-based treatment modalities for juvenile delinquents Recent study illustrates that nearly two (2) million juveniles are processed through juvenile courts across the United States each year. Depending on the nature of the crime, juveniles may face detention or incarceration if they are convicted. Given the fact that many courts are reluctant to incarcerate […]
Prepare an informative and persuasive oral presentation Investigate a business topic through a “perspective” of communication. Choose a topic that is interesting to you, informative and contributes to your class members’ understanding of one of the perspectives. These include ethical, technological, social & political, legal, global and cross-cultural, socialization for success and skills (See page […]