Posted: December 16th, 2022
Write and read your manifestos
- Which Manifestos have inspired you?
- Here is one of my favorites: A Cyborg Manifesto by Donna Haraway –
- ideas from the class
1. Devaluation of Art through processes of ruthless degradation? A challenge to the art market and reinforcement of “the canon”…
2. Manifesto of Equality – #BLM and #MeToo? ??? feminist movement? people are people – all are created equal…The walls of oppression (unequal systems) must come down!
3. Social consciousness – Uprising happening now…entirely for marginalized Black, Queer, Trans rights..manifesto for Equity and People’s Rights to be met. Dismantle these systems! Anti-violence
4. Equality? Equity? Manifesto for a Place of Equality by giving Equity
5. Environmentalist Manifesto – Call to arms to everyday people and critique of corporate exemption
6. Climate Change and Cali Fires – Manifesto of Awareness of Climate Change and doing something!
7. Manifesto of Reawakening – Call to Action of for Every Citizen…Unification and Keeping Informed – Black and Brown communities.
8. Critique of Government and Response to Crisis – Manifesto of Government Treatment of Society
9. Call to Action to Cyber Manifesto: Total Embracement AI and Robotics into Society for Self-Actualization
10. Our manifesto should be passionate and personal – Selfish Manifestos Manifesto of Personal Passion
11. Climate Change – Manifesto of Changing Small Actions in Daily Lives in order to Make Widespread Change…
12. Artists manifesto – Open Manifesto to Communicate with Artists from All Walks of Life as a Worldwide Community!
The reading of manifesto: (required)
Choose one other manifesto to discuss:
- Russolo, L, The Art of Noise
The note of mine from last class is attached below. (please combine all those reading, elements to write about the paper )