Posted: May 1st, 2022
Write an introduction to your anthology
Michelle Obama
Dr. Kimberly Carter
LIT 2000
April 13, 2020
Write an introduction to your anthology. The introduction should state explicitly the topic/theme of your collection. The introduction should also show that you are knowledgeable about the subject. If you cite any information (i.e. quote, summarize, or paraphrase) in your introduction, be sure to include the full bibliographic information on a work cited page at the end of your anthology.
Health Anthology
Mandair, Dalvinder, et al. “Prostate Cancer And The Influence Of Dietary Factors And
Supplements: A Systematic Review.” Nutrition & Metabolism 11.1 (2014): 1-23. Academic Search Complete. Web. 9 July 2015.
Four to five sentence summary of the article. For example, this article summarized the effects of a study to determine the impact of food and supplements on prostate cancer. The results were… the study was conducted in 2000… This article is related to my anthology because blah, blah, blah.
Prostate Cancer Screening. Films On Demand. Films Media Group, 2009. Web. 9 July 2015.
Four to five sentence summary of the film. Another four to five sentences explaining why it is included in this anthology.
Rohrmann, Sabine, Elizabeth A. Platz, Claudine J. Kavanaugh, Lucy Thuita, Sandra C. Hoffman,
and Kathy J. Helzlsouer. “Meat and Dairy Consumption and Subsequent Risk of Prostate Cancer in a Us Cohort Study.” Cancer Causes & Control. 18.1 (2007): 41-50. Print.
Four to five sentence summary of the article. Another four to five sentences explaining why it is included in this anthology.
Works Cited
Be sure to include full bibliographic information in alphabetical order in MLA format for any information that was cited in the introduction only. This includes quotes, summarize and/or paraphrased information. Summarizing and paraphrasing someone else’s thoughts requires an in-text citation and the full bibliographic information on the works cited page!!!
Kimberly Carter, Dr. Michelle Obama
LIT 2000
13th of April, 2020
Create a foreword for your anthology. The topic/theme of your collection should be stated plainly in the introduction. The introduction should also demonstrate your expertise of the subject. If you cite any information (i.e., quote, summarize, or paraphrase) in your introduction, add the whole bibliographic information on a work cited page at the conclusion of your anthology.
Anthology of Health
Mandair, Dalvinder, and others “The Effects of Dietary Factors on Prostate Cancer
A Systematic Review of Supplements “Academic Search Complete. Nutrition & Metabolism 11.1 (2014): 1-23. Web. 9 July 2015.
Four to five sentence summary of the article. For example, this article summarized the effects of a study to determine the impact of