Posted: September 1st, 2023
Write a report of 2000 words- Discussion of the skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur
Assessment Title
Group business model, plan and pitch
Task Description
This is a group assignment that requires you to write a report of 2000 words +/- 10% and develop and deliver a 10 minute pitch about your social or commercial enterprise.
This assessment task provides your group the opportunity to enhance your research, analysis, critical thinking and written and oral communication skills, particularly in the areas of developing an argument in the context of a business report and pitch. You will be able to expand on the idea or opportunity for a social or commercial enterprise identified in Assessment Item 1 to indicate how the idea can be developed into a successful and purposeful endeavour.
Assessment Criteria
1. Discussion of the skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur (4 marks)
2. Use of a business model template to illustrate elements important to developing a social or commercial enterprise (10 marks)
3. Formulation of a business plan to organise and manage a social or commercial enterprise (10 marks)
4. Justification of the elements within the business model and business plan for a social or commercial enterprise (10 marks)
5. Explanation of how the business model and plan will build the sustainability and growth of the social or commercial enterprise (10 marks)
6. Development and delivery of a 10 minute pitch about the social or commercial enterprise (10 marks)
7. Demonstrated depth and quality of research by using a minimum of 18-20 academic sources (2 marks)
8. Correct use of the APA referencing system in-text and in the reference list of the assignment (2 marks)
9. Correct use of the report structure and appropriate conventions of academic writing (2 marks)
* Note the specific qualities on which the pitch will be marked (Assessment Criterion 6) will be available on the unit Moodle site.
Referencing Style
• American Psychological Association (APA)