The information security strategic plan and security policies are strongly interrelated within an organization’s information security program. The security plan and security policies will drive the foundation and selection of security controls to be implemented within the organization. Part 1 Write a 1- to 2-page summary of the comparison chart of strategic plans and […]
Assignment Content Resources: Pastas R Us, Inc. Database & Microsoft Excel®, Wk 1: Descriptive Statistics Analysis Assignment Purpose This assignment is intended to help you learn how to apply statistical methods when analyzing operational data, evaluating the performance of current marketing strategies, and recommending actionable business decisions. This is an opportunity to build critical-thinking and […]
Week 6 Discussion: Lecture Videos on Chapters 11 and 12 Concepts. Based on the materials presented in Chapters 11 and 12, complete the following: 1. Pick one concept from Chapter 11 and another concept from Chapter 12. Based on the two concepts you picked, produce a lecture video using Power Point. Explain the Power Point […]
This week’s journal article was focused on the Complexity of Information Systems Research in the Digital World. Complexity is increasing as new technologies are emerging every day. This complexity impacts human experiences. Organizations are turning to digitally enabled solutions to assist with the emergence of digitalization. Please review the article and define the various […]
No matter what field you choose, it is essential to be able to create digital media to share ideas. In this assignment, you will create a short video with a topic of your choosing. The topic and content is up to you. Choose something that interests you and relates to your future goals. Some examples […]
Special education teachers are part of the assessment team that determines eligibility for special education services. There are 14 major eligibility categories defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). For each of these disability categories, educators must have general knowledge of the guidelines for eligibility, characteristics, causes, effects on learning, and how […]
Why is it important to follow a process when trying to solve problems? This assignment helps you apply your knowledge from this week’s modules and readings. Decision making is a systematic process of selecting the best among the different alternatives. Making decisions can be difficult but following a process will provide an individual with […]
Assignment: Reflect upon the patient experience, patient safety, and healthcare cost as well as Joint Commission’s role in quality healthcare. Write a paper that addresses the following questions: How would you apply the principles of the Triple Aim initiative to improve quality, safety and satisfaction in the acute care or long-term care setting? […]
Minimum of 8 scholarly resources (These are from the Week 4 Annotated Bibliography. Conduct additional research as needed.) IntroductionFor this project, select a person whom you believe had significant influence (positive or negative) on a movement for social, economic, and/or political change in the 20th and 21st centuries. Explore and address the following in your […]
For our final discussion, we will be looking at the Gapminder Digital project (link below) which crunches data to present an interactive chart that measures life expectancy and average income globally and by individual country since 1800. In my opinion, this is an interesting tool that visualizes tons of information, but it is also problematic. […]