Posted: April 20th, 2022
Write a paper that replicates the 4-part outline described in the background information.
4.1 Assignment: Externship Paper Course Two
1. Write a paper that replicates the 4-part outline described in the background information. Use the outline headings for your paper to answer the prompt: Integrate coursework and workplace learning.
2. The paper should be 250-300 words, typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, APA format.
5.1 Discussion
1. Choose one of the courses and write a 200–300-word response demonstrating how the coursework and your professional life have been enhanced. You will explain how your coursework is applied in the practical work context.
6.1 Assignment: Devotional
1. Be sure to address the following prompts in your paper:
a) What are your reflections on finishing your degree program? How does that compare to other tasks or projects from your past?
b) Considering our life journey, what does the Bible say about finishing that journey? Share your thoughts on your life’s spiritual journey.
2. Your paper should be at least 250 words in length.
6.3 Assignment: Final PowerPoint Presentation (Phase 6 of Final Capstone Project)
1. The outline for your presentation should have been submitted in Workshop Four and your preliminary presentation in Workshop Five for instructor feedback.
2. Make any edits based on the feedback you received (Feedback received – Excellent. The outline looks good. You may wish to check the formatting of some of your references), and use the instructions from the Capstone Project Guide that provides specifics on what the presentation needs to contain. (4.3, 5.3 presentations attached)
6.4 Assignment: Final Capstone Project Paper (Phase 7 of Final Capstone Project)
1. This is Phase 7, the final phase, of your final capstone project.
2. Your paper should use the Capstone Project Template. As the project paper was started in earlier workshops, you should have already been using the template.
3. You should have submitted a draft of your paper in Workshop Five for instructor feedback. Make any edits based on the feedback you received.
4. The paper should be about 20 pages in length (double-spaced), and transitions between sections should be addressed. Any graphics or tables do not count toward page count.
5. Make sure to use 7th edition APA where required. The paper should include credible references that are cited according to the 7th edition of APA. You may and should use research to develop your plans, but make sure to cite your sources. All written work should be your own.
4.1 Externship Paper Course Two Assignment
1. Create a paper that follows the four-part outline outlined in the background information. To respond to the prompt, use the following outline headings for your paper: Integrate coursework and on-the-job training.
2. The paper should be 250-300 words long, typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, and formatted in APA format.
5.1 Deliberation
1. Select one of the courses and write a 200–300-word response demonstrating how the coursework and your professional life have improved. You will explain how your coursework is applied in the workplace.
6.1 Project: Devotional
1. Include the following prompts in your paper:
a) What are your thoughts on completing your degree program? How does that compare to previous tasks or projects?
b) Taking into account our