Posted: September 5th, 2023
Write a “manifesto” for Good Design using three examples of contemporary design (after 2000) will support your thesis
Your task is to write a “manifesto” for Good Design using three examples of contemporary design (after 2000) will support your thesis. Your manifesto will evaluate what constitutes the values and principles of “good design”. The manifesto’s visual presentation should reflect your ethos. We will preview the submissions during class time on the due date. Instructions: Write a concise and clear manifesto based on the question: what is Good Design? The piece should demonstrate your consideration of definitions of “good design” in contemporary design theory and practice (e.g. usability, ethical technology, sustainability/biophilic design, empathic design, etc.). You may also oppose the idea of a manifesto in favour of an (anti-)manifesto (as for example, designer Emily Pilloton has done). Choose and research three examples of contemporary design (after 2000) that support this model of “good design”. Format the manifesto so that its visual presentation relates to your concept of Good Design. Keep in mind that your submission must be submitted on 8.5”x11” paper, whether it is folded, stapled, or bound as a book. Please check with the instructor first if you would like to use another format. Important: The manifesto should be written clearly and concisely (maximum 750 words) and should present a clear and assertive thesis about what constitutes Good Design.
Incorporate at least one reading/author from the course syllabus in your discussion. You are also required to include at least two additional academic sources (from books, design journals, or other reputable sources). The use of online resources should be limited to background research on the design objects that you choose as examples. You must include citations for all of the sources that you consulted. Include a bibliography of works cited AS WELL AS citations (whether footnotes or in-text parenthetical references) using either MLA or Chicago style.
Include an image of the three chosen objects with appropriate caption and source credit. The largest part of your mark will be calculated according to the content of your writing. The organization of your discussion and the style of writing will also be considered. The visual presentation of the manifesto, and how it relates to your concept will comprise 10% of the total mark for this assignment.