Posted: January 28th, 2022
Wk5d1d2postcor1 essay
Discussion 1 My top 5 themes are consistency, relator, developer, maximizer, and self-assurance. Consistency is number one and is an executing theme. The key feature is that I treat everyone the same and have clear boundaries. One part that stuck out as very true to me was that I like things in order and I notice when things need tidying that others may have missed. My second theme is relator which is a relationship building theme. This theme was also very true, I do get enjoyment when accomplishing things with peers that I have a close relationship with. It makes the work more satisfying. I have been moving toward working less and focusing more on family which is a downfall of theme. Relators tend to have little energy left after work because they put their all into their work. I have been trying to focus more on raising my son and doing a good job of that rather than overachieving at work.
Two core values
One core value I would like to strengthen is Analytical which is a strategic thinking theme. I had no strengths under this theme. Analytical leaders can determine if an idea or information is sound quickly and can identify root causes to situations easily as well (Gallup & Inc., n.d.-a). I often overthink and spend much time over major life decisions. I would like to be able to determine quickly if something is right for me. Another core value I would like to strengthen is Woo. I do not love meeting new people or winning them over. I stay to myself and can be rather cynical. My husband on the other hand is a social butterfly, he can break the ice with anyone and make friends everywhere. I have always admired this about him. I do enjoy connecting with people, but I would like to strengthen breaking the ice (Gallup & Inc., n.d.-b).
Two Strengths
I would like to strengthen my self-assurance. I was shocked when I saw this as a strength in my evaluation because I do feel like I over think things at times and doubt my decisions. I do feel like I manage my own life well which is the definition, but I am very conscientious, and I feel that is onctradictory. Fine tuning my self-assurance is a goal. Another strength I would like to work on is under the maximizer theme. It is broadening my knowledge in different areas and sharpening skills. As a maximizer I know what I do well and tend to stick to that. I would like to workon fine tuning an area I am ok with but not excelling, giving myself a chance to try something new (Gallup, n.d.).
Two characteristics
My communication needs strengthening. I can communicate pertinent information effectively but my delivery needs strengthening. I blame this partly on starting my nursing career in labor and delivery. It was such a fast paced and busy environment that communications were brief and blunt. This has carried over for me and is one area I need to work on. Another characteristic I could work on is my presence and taking command of situations. While I have good ideas I often don’t voice them or take control if there is someone more dominant present. I
have sometimes even responded and get overlooked because I do not have the type of presence necessary to relay the message in that intense situation.
Gallup. (n.d.). Strengths Insight Guide. sor/pdf/insight-guide-501-0-69535606-20220105195908969000000-yO2MJg.pdf?AQICAHh3Vq J0WnMUUAuYagQ8p0bEEkhxbHL/3ehMP1rdvhOAFo6dSGVaZFzzzLHlyGHxd7AAABADCB/Q YJKoZIhvcNAQcGoIHvMIHsAgEAMIHmBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHgYJYIZIAWUDBAEuMBEEDKh LLsE3hlaDhREsuQIBEICBuGMOW9EQdNo0XF3obAR0zsgcHK4I8zaiThDMm0ZGqpWqsZqQje hKVrugO3CQ9zIiaCHNZBnkdPEy1TdDpd9l2Ntutks6h4itZlIAN8IHIygqETBlyYz/UQWLMAW9KS sodEckyKTHbs6koYzk22SVYjNINjxQvqwH5GI/eWfYzjO FpYcBjVY8Qg1YULYKFEFbsZsim8W/oxHd2V7oZI6TEdPGhIrK8I8OjJIr4t1/DduGE75bP7Htwo=
Gallup & Inc. (n.d.-a). All about the analytical strengthsfinder theme | en – gallup.
Gallup & Inc. (n.d.-b). All about the woo strengthsfinder theme | en – gallup.
signature-theme-501-0-69535606-20220105204315726000000-SZotak.pdf (236.364 KB)
Discussion 2 My five core strengths from Gallup’s StrengthsFinder assessment are restorative, learner, focus, industrialization, and achiever. These five key strengths influence my leadership and how I engage with others. Restorative was one of the strengths identified in the assessment. The restorative quality is synonymous with solving problems. I enjoy analyzing problems and finding solutions. When leading others, I am keen to create a conducive environment for conflicting persons to engage in meaningful conversation and come up with win-win outcomes. Another important strength from the assessment is that I love to learn. For me, every situation is a learning experience, and I use the insight and lessons to improve my personal and professional life. Learning offers growth opportunities for those who are dedicated to listening and gaining insight into a new phenomenon (Broome & Marshall, 2021). I am also a focused person. To be an effective leader, one has to be focused on both the current and future. For me, as a leader in nursing, I ensure to remain focused on achieving the set goals and objectives. Another of my identified strength is industrialization. I am a hard-working personwho is eager to create productive and successful teams. The fifth quality from the assessment is achiever. Achiever relates to a constant need for achievement. Taken together, these strengths help me to lead and work with others towards achieving the set targets.
One of the core values I would like to strengthen is human dignity. Leadership, especially in nursing, requires one to have a deep understanding and appreciation of human dignity. According to Lucas (2019), leadership in the healthcare setting demand that one protect client’s
privacy, design care with sensitivity to individual client needs, and act in accordance with a code of ethics and accepted standards of practice. The second value is altruism. Altruism relates to showing concern for the well-being of others, as well as demonstrating an understanding of the cultures, beliefs, and perspectives of others (Broome & Marshall, 2021). On the other hand, critical thinking is one of the strengths I would want to improve based on the results from the self-assessment. Nurse leaders train unpolished practitioners in the use of critical thinking to increase their capacity to make judgments based on a diverse array of circumstances (Major, 2019). This expertise is crucial in a health care system with rising instances of interdisciplinary teamwork. The rising trend of autonomy for nurses also makes critical thinking a crucial professional skill for practitioners.
Communication skills is the second strength I would want to improve. The contemporary interdisciplinary treatment environment significantly enhances the need for teamwork in the context of the caregiving environment (Laureate Education, 2014). Nurse leaders arrange for trainees to participate in rounds while interacting with a variety of medical experts, including support workers, primary care clinicians, and senior executives, in order to foster teamwork. As such, communication skills come in handy in engaging with nurses and other healthcare professionals within the care environment.
Emotional intelligence is a characteristic for improvement in my pursuit of leadership within the psychiatric nursing field. Nurse leaders engage closely with subordinates in clinical settings in order to assist them in developing emotional intelligence skills (Laureate Education, 2014). Improving my emotional intelligence will come in handy in managing the competing emotions in the healthcare system. The last characteristic that I would want to improve is professionalism. Nursing is a dynamic profession that requires competent, confident leadership (Lucas, 2019). As a nurse leader, leading by example is critical in developing effective teams that provide quality care to clients. Being professional will have a significant impact and influence on subordinates in how they engage with peers and patients.
Broome, M., & Marshall, E. S. (2021). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (3rd ed.). Springer.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2014). Leadership [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Lucas, B. (2019). Developing the personal qualities required for effective nurse leadership. Nursing Standard, 34(12), 45-50.
Major, D. (2019). Developing effective nurse leadership skills. Nursing Standard, 24(6), 61-66.
1st Discussion Consistency, relator, developer, maximizer, and self-assurance are my top five themes. The most important theme is consistency, which is also an executing theme. The most important characteristic is that I treat everyone equally and set clear boundaries. One aspect that struck me as particularly accurate was that I prefer things to be in order, and I am aware of when things need tidying that others may have overlooked. My second topic is relator, which is a theme about creating relationships. This subject was also quite true; I get a lot of pleasure from completing tasks with people with whom I have a close relationship. It improves the quality of the work. I’ve been working less and spending more time with my family, which is a theme flaw. Relators have a tendency to