Posted: April 9th, 2022
Wk 6 – Summative Assessment: Suicide Risk Assessment and Safety Plan
Wk 6 – Summative Assessment: Suicide Risk Assessment and Safety Plan
Most counselors will encounter a client expressing suicidal ideations at some point in their career. A counselor’s ability to recognize and address suicidality can be a life-saving skill. When the risk of suicide is identified, counselors should work to develop a therapeutic relationship with the client and their family as appropriate and work to develop safety plans in collaboration with the client. The safety plan indicates the actions that clients can take to respond and monitor their suicidal urges by outlining their coping and problem-solving skills and abilities.
Use the relevant information given in the video to complete a suicide risk assessment for the example client using Part 1 of the Patient Safety Plan form. In this form, be sure to document the rationale for the risk level, ways to reduce the current risk, and if relevant, a proposed plan for follow-up.
Develop an ongoing safety plan for this client to follow once the initial intervention is complete. Use Part 2 of the form to document the parts of your plan using clear language that the client can understand if in crisis.
Format your citations and references according to APA guidelines.
Week 6 – Summative Evaluation: Suicide Risk Assessment and Safety Plan
Most counselors will come across a client who has suicide thoughts at some point in their employment. The ability of a counselor to recognize and address suicidality can be life-saving. When a client’s risk of suicide is discovered, counselors should try to establish a therapeutic relationship with the client and their family, when appropriate, and work with the client to make safety strategies. The safety plan outlines clients’ coping and problem-solving skills and capacities, as well as the steps they can take to respond to and monitor their suicidal thoughts.
Using Part 1 of the Patient Safety Plan form, complete a suicide risk assessment for the example client using the information provided in the video.