Posted: December 11th, 2022
“Why Roman military tactics is the reason Rome
Thesis is “Why Roman military tactics is the reason Rome was so successful”
1,500 words, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins, 12 point font, double spaced
The paper must include an introduction, a conclusion, and a body consisting of paragraphs that
support the thesis. must include arguments and examples to support the thesis, not just summaries.
Thesis: Easily identifiable, plausible, novel, sophisticated, insightful, crystal clear.
• Introduction/ Organization: Evident, understandable, and appropriate for thesis. Excellent transitions
from point to point, from paragraph to paragraph. Paragraphs support solid topic sentences. All ideas in
the paper flow logically; the argument is identifiable, reasonable, and sound. • Introduction/Organization: Clear, understandable, and relevant to the thesis. Excellent transitions from one point to the next and from one paragraph to the next. Topic sentences are supported by paragraphs. The paper’s ideas flow logically, and the argument is identifiable, reasonable, and sound.
• Analysis/evidence: Primary source information used to buttress every point with at least one example.
Examples support topics of each paragraph and fit within paragraph. Excellent integration of quoted
material into sentences. Analysis is fresh and exciting, posing new ways to think of the material. Author
also anticipates and successfully defuses counter-arguments; makes novel connections to outside
material (from other parts of the class, or other classes) which illuminate thesis.
• Mechanics: Sentence structure, grammar, and diction excellent; correct use of punctuation and citation
style; minimal to no spelling errors; absolutely no run-on sentences or comma splices.
2 Primary Sources
2 Secondary Sources
Submitted as a word document
Requirements: 1500 words