Posted: October 13th, 2022
Why EHR evaluation is necessary?
Assignment 8:
Why EHR evaluation is necessary?
Prepare a Powerpoint presentation that you would actually use to educate healthcare providers and leaders/directors on why EHR evaluation is important and necessary. Prepare a Powerpoint presentation that you would use to educate healthcare providers and leaders/directors on the importance and necessity of EHR evaluation.
Assignment Expectations-
• 15 PowerPoint Slides (not including title and reference pages);
• In a separate Word document, provide notes for each content page (about 50 words per slide)
Structure: Title and reference page required; these do not count towards minimum slide count; These links help you format a proper presentation. View: and Additionally, because a good presentation has few words on the slides include a script with the verbiage you would say when presenting; script should be a minimum of 50 words per slide.
References: At least one (1) scholarly source is required with appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions
Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) file type; save the script (Notes Pages) in a Word document
File name: Name your saved file according to your last name, first initial and the week (for example, “jonesb.week1”)