Posted: September 5th, 2023
Who made that?
The Project
You have been asked by The New York Times to write a column for their series called “Who made that?” You have also been provided with an example of a recent column ( & and are expected to follow that style guide including the writing style and the layout and graphics.
The choice of the artifact is yours to make. However, it must be an everyday thing that you have used personally in the last 48 hours. You are asked to avoid complex artifacts such as planes, cars, smartphones and the like. Instead you are asked to select an artifact that is common to many people but that may have gone unnoticed by most people. You are also asked to contact the “editor” of The NY Times if you are unsure about the choice of the everyday thing. For the purpose of this project, the instructor will assume the role of the editor of The NY Times.
The process
Your article will take the form of a written description with pertinent information and may even include a simple analysis.
Select an artifact that you have used in the last 48 hours;
Write an article about the object in a narrative style. It should be simple, factual yet informative;
Compile visual information that will accompany the article. Visuals should both support and complement the article (specific advertisement on the page need not be considered but there must be a space for it);
Maintain correct and credible citations and/or references for the article. The latter must be provided as a separate page in your final PDF;
The article should be no fewer than 350 words in length but no more than 500 words; and
Upload one PDF file of your document below (20MB maximum); and
An artifact that you have used in the last 48 hours and that is appropriate for the project.
An article (350-500 words) about the artifact, which is simple, factual yet informative.
An image of the artifact; supportive images can also be included if appropriate.
An overall graphic layout that replicates the model created by the New York Times.
A list of references on a second page.
Two pages in all.
One PDF file for submission (no more than 20MB in size).
Your submission must replicate in every way possible the graphic look of the articles that appear in The New York Times, both in writing style and in design composition, e.g. font type and font size. The greater the deviation from the original NYT article, the fewer points that will be earned.