Posted: January 31st, 2023
When a reverse-biased photodiode is connected between a power supply assignment
When a reverse-biased photodiode is connected between a power supply and the amplifier input, only a fraction of the current goes through the diode when it is not illuminated. However, when the diode was illuminated, the current recorded was much higher and almost similar to the output voltage of the amplifier. Considering the audio fader control, the fade adjust wiper was placed in a center position with input voltage presented to every operational amplifier’s input voltage which was configured as non-inverting amplifier. The input and the output voltages were equal (Vin = Vout) (Huijsing, 2011). When the position of the wiper was adjusted, the input signals were unevenly distributed on the amplifiers. This enabled a smooth panning from one output channel to the other. Notably, the values of the resistors showed a constant total output voltage that was proportional to the sum of the squares of the output signals. When different signals were subjected to the pair of the resistors instead of a single input, the circuit produced a balanced audio control.
Considering the results from the response to the two outputs, a linear superposition was applied by combining the input voltages and finding their averages instead of setting rather than setting them individually to zero (Dostal, 2013). Setting the voltage differences to zero produced a superposition of the independent variables that was used in determining the voltage out through the resistors. ln the case when the voltage difference was equal to zero, given that the negative feedback performed its function, therefore, the operational amplifiers input are similar.
The voltage drop and the current across the R1 resistor decrease significantly. 60% 60%
The voltage drop and the current across the R1 resistor decrease significantly.
Given that no current passed through the R1 resistor, it could be removed from the circuit without affecting the operation of the circuit. 44%
Given that no current passed through the R1 resistor, it could be removed from the circuit without affecting the operation of the circuit. ln this regard, since the value of R1 didn’t account, only two independent voltage followers were left.
The circuit, therefore, recorded a gain of 1 with a common mode input. 40% 40%
The circuit, therefore, recorded a gain of 1 with a common mode input.
The two terminals of the resistor with opposite equal voltage ensured that the centers of the resistors were at zero potential. When the two resistors were split in series with their junction at ground potential, the symmetry created enabled the separation of the circuit into two similar parts (Clayton and Winder, 2003). However, each half of these parts is a noninverting amplifier that contain Rf = R1 and R2 = RT/2, therefore, Vout+ – Vout- = (1+ 2R/RT)(Vin+ – Vin-) = (1=2R/RT) Vdiff
Gdiff = 1+2R/RT This circuit provides a gain of 1 for a common mode signal and a high gain for a differential input signal. 50%
Gdiff = 1+2R/RT This circuit provides a gain of 1 for a common mode signal and a high gain for a differential input signal.
However, the differential gain could be adjusted by changing the value of one resistor. 33%
However, the differential gain could be adjusted by changing the value of one resistor.
Since each of the amplifiers had a noninverting configuration, the input resistances were quite large. 50%
Since each of the amplifiers had a noninverting configuration, the input resistances were quite large. From these experimental results, it can be observed that the enhancement of a differential amplifier has a very high input independence for the negative and the positive inputs. Moreover, the differential amplifier recorded a very high common mode rejection with a differential gain that could be change by adjusting the value of any of the resistors. These amplifiers proved useful with various applications that are also available in the form of an integrated device.
The operational amplifier’s input mode was not a virtual ground because the input voltage depends on the source voltage; 57%
The operational amplifier’s input mode was not a virtual ground because the input voltage depends on the source voltage; therefore, the operational negative input is at the same voltage with the positive input voltage.
The port, therefore, did not disappear due to the nonzero voltage drop across the input resistors. 57%
The port, therefore, did not disappear due to the nonzero voltage drop across the input resistors.
However, for linear circuits the input resistance from any input port may not be affected by the amount of any of the independent input sources. 50%
However, for linear circuits the input resistance from any input port may not be affected by the amount of any of the independent input sources.
Moreover, the input resistance is not affected by the amplitudes other input sources. 40%
Moreover, the input resistance is not affected by the amplitudes other input sources. This concept of increasing resistance was found significant for nonlinear circuits despite the fact that it value varied with change in input voltage.
The output resistance, on the other hand, determines its variation of output with the resistance of the load. The current through the load of the source made up of an ideal voltage potential source had to flow through the source resistors. The potential difference across the resistors (output voltage) was less than the voltage it would rather have when if the resistance of the load were infinite. The output resistance of an output port, therefore, can be determined in terms of the output voltage drop with increasing output current (Huijsing, 2011). A partial derivative was used in this experiment to hold the driving source constant while varying the output current so as to determine the value of the resistance out. An ideal voltage source, therefore, has an output voltage that is not affected the applied load current. The output of the resistance thus becomes zero. On the other hand, an ideal current source provided a constant current that is not dependent on the voltage input required to subject the current into the load.
ln regard to the voltage divider output resistance, the change in output voltage was determined by changing the output current needed by the load on the voltage junction.
This was carried out using a linear superposition where the output load with a current sink was replaced. 43% 50%
This was carried out using a linear superposition where the output load with a current sink was replaced. Using an ideal current source, the output current was independently set to mimic the load.
The parallel combination of the resistors is determined by the equation; 33% 33%
The parallel combination of the resistors is determined by the equation;
Rout = R1R2/ (R1 + R2) Figure 1: The output resistance of a voltage divider driven by an ideal voltage source The above equation is operationally same to replacing the embedded source of potential difference with a short circuit followed by using the output port as an input and determining its resistance. 28%
Rout = R1R2/ (R1 + R2) Figure 1: The output resistance of a voltage divider driven by an ideal voltage source The above equation is operationally same to replacing the embedded source of potential difference with a short circuit followed by using the output port as an input and determining its resistance.
From an experimental perspective, an ideal operational amplifier is an instrument that can function as an ideal voltage controlled source of voltage.
An ideal optical amplifier has a zero output resistance with an output voltage that is independent of the load connected to the output. 50%
An ideal optical amplifier has a zero output resistance with an output voltage that is independent of the load connected to the output.
Additionally, the devices have no current flow into the input terminals with an infinite input resistance thus it doesn’t require any power on the input signal source. 50%
Additionally, the devices have no current flow into the input terminals with an infinite input resistance thus it doesn’t require any power on the input signal source. The operational amplifiers are usually associated with limits. Connecting the output terminal to the operational amplifier to the inverting terminal produced a negative feedback configuration (Dorf and Svoboda, 2010).
During the negative feedback, the output signal voltage was introduced back to the inverting terminal through the feedback path. 44%
During the negative feedback, the output signal voltage was introduced back to the inverting terminal through the feedback path.
The negative feedback circuit showed a fraction of the output signal which was subtracted out of the signal source. 38%
The negative feedback circuit showed a fraction of the output signal which was subtracted out of the signal source. The feedback gain depends on the open loop gain of the amplifier and the feedback parameter.
Since the operational amplifier provided a very large open loop gain, the feedback amplifier was controlled on the operational characteristics of the circuit. 42%
Since the operational amplifier provided a very large open loop gain, the feedback amplifier was controlled on the operational characteristics of the circuit. The Schmitt trigger circuit was tested as a relaxation oscillator to give various reference voltages that produce the output signals. The generated current conveyors connected in a positive feedback design forms a Schmitt trigger (Srinivasulu, 2011). The resistors R1 and R2 and the timing capacitors forms an integrator where the current transfer ratio can be determined as R2/R1. The analysis shows that the time for relaxation oscillation is T= 2pieRC [1-R2Rs/R1R3]. The operation of the relaxation oscillator is determined by the negative feedback. The condition of the operations of the circuit was also stated as the condition of the operation of the circuit. The topology for Schmitt trigger circuit with the simulation results was closely similar to the theoretical results. The results of the provided by the Schmitt trigger circuit topologies are congruent with the theoretical and simulated values.
This topology assumed a significant view based on the non-linear designs as a result of its higher performance as compared to other voltage mode counterparts (Soliman, 2010). Additionally, the circuit can be applied largely in triangle and saw tooth waveform generators, voltage controlled oscillators and in full-wave rectifiers.
ln conclusion, this experimental work provides an opportunity to analysis the working principles of the operational amplifier and its significance in electrical circuits. Additionally, the practical results provide a basis for proving the theoretical formulas and values for their output voltages and gains. This lab work has also provided an insight in the basic understanding of the operational amplifiers with some experience in developing circuits for inverting and non-inverting amplifiers. The results of this experiment may help in analyzing the output signals with the aid of an oscillator.