Posted: May 1st, 2022
What You Need To Know: Read about the key components of shared vision
What You Need To Know: Read about the key components of shared vision and some examples of how leaders cultivate shared vision, as well as the four-step change model.
Shared Vision
Read the following in The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization:
• Chapter 10, “Shared Vision.” As you read, consider how this discipline establishes a focus on mutual purpose. Stakeholders with a common purpose can learn to nourish a sense of commitment to the organization by developing shared images of the future they seek to create and the principles and guiding practices by which they intend to get there.
Shared Vision:
Jorge chairs the district-wide vision/mission committee and wants to work with this committee to create more buy-in from school leaders around the goal of building a renewed mission for the school system. Given the diversity and independence of his key stakeholders, Jorge knows that he’ll need to devote careful reflection and planning to help develop this shared vision.
Leaders like Jorge recognize that cultivating a shared vision is a critical component of creating a healthy learning organization.
In this question you will draw on a professional example to describe how personal vision and shared vision work together.
This question focuses on the discipline of shared vision. In your organization, or an organization with which you are familiar, describe how personal vision and shared vision work together. Is there consistency between the personal vision among the stakeholders and the shared vision of the organization? Why or why not? To what extent is the organization characterized by commitment to shared vision versus compliance with shared vision? Why do you think these patterns exist within the organize
What You Should Know: Learn about the four-step change paradigm, as well as the main components of shared vision and several examples of how leaders build shared vision.
a common goal
The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization contains the following passages:
• “Shared Vision,” Chapter 10 Consider how this practice generates a focus on mutual goal as you read. Stakeholders that share a common goal can learn to nurture a sense of commitment to the company by creating shared visions of the future they want to build, as well as the principles and guiding practices they plan to use to get there.
Shared Goals:
Jorge is the chair of the district-wide vision/mission committee, and he wants to work with it to increase school leaders’ buy-in.