Posted: June 30th, 2022
What is the significance of telecommunications for organizations and society
What is the significance of telecommunications for organizations and society
After reading the articles (SEE BELOW), please answer the following questions and prepare a PPT presentation with 10-12 slides, excluding cover slide and reference list slide.
What is the significance of telecommunications for organizations and society? What is a telecommunications system? What are the principle functions of all telecommunications systems? Briefly describe the company where these systems will be in place and then explain your reasoning for its details.
Assignment Expectations
Your presentation will be evaluated on the following criteria:
Answers to the questions and the accompanying explanation must be given in 10-12 slides excluding cover and reference slides.
Precision: You see what the module is all about and structure your paper accordingly. You draw on a range of sources and establish your understanding of the historical context of the question. You carry out the exercise as assigned or carefully explain the limitations that prevented your completing some parts. (Running out of time isn’t generally considered an adequate limitation).
Clarity: Your answers are clear and show your good understanding of the topic. You see what the module is all about and structure your paper accordingly.
Critical thinking: The paper incorporates your reactions, examples, and applications of the material to business and illustrates your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts. It is important to read the “Required Reading” in the Background material plus other sources you find relevant.
Breadth and Depth: You provide informed commentary and analysis—simply repeating what your sources say does not constitute an adequate paper. The scope covered in your paper is directly related to the questions of the assignment and the learning outcomes of the module.
Overall quality: You apply the professional language and terminology of systems design and analysis correctly and in context; you are familiar with this language and use it appropriately. Your paper is well written and the references, where needed, are properly cited and listed (refer to the APA Purdue Online Writing Lab at ) if you are uncertain about formats or other issues.