Posted: October 13th, 2022
What is the history of DES
Information Systems homework help
Using the APA writing style, write a 4–5 page paper that answers the questions below. Be prepared to fully support your answers. Within the identified paper structure below, explain in your own words the following: Write a paper of four to five pages that responds to the questions listed below using the APA writing style. You should always be prepared to thoroughly support the answers you give. Within the framework of the paper that has been outlined below, please explain the following in your own words:
Title Page
Main Body:
What is the history of DES, and why is s-DES studied?
How does DES and 3DES work? Provide an example of each.
Explain the following ingredients that decide the algorithm in the Fiestel cipher:
Block size Key size
Subkey generation
Round function
Fast software encryption/decryption
Ease of Analysis
APA Reference List (Note: Make sure to also include intext citations)
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created a procedure to select a symmetric-key encryption algorithm to protect sensitive federal information. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a standard used by the U.S. government. It was announced by NIST after 5 years of a standardization process, in which many designs were evaluated before the solution was selected.
Based on your understanding of how AES was chosen, what is your opinion of the criteria used?
Why do you think these criteria were important?
What do you think about the effectiveness and ease of use of AES?