Posted: January 31st, 2023
What is Brain-Based Learning?
Education homework help
Week 1 – Assignment
What is Brain-Based Learning?
Read Chapter 1 in the Jensen (2008) text. Consider where brain-based education came from, how it can be defined, and old paradigms around the brain and learning.
Read Principles of Brain-Based Learning (Links to an external site.).
Review the Assignment Sample as a guide.
Knowing the value of what one learns and how it can be meaningfully applied to one’s practice or skill-set is always an important factor in the learning process. Jensen states that “if you don’t know why you do what you do, it’s less purposeful and less professional” (2008, p.6). As such, the most fundamental principles of brain-based learning (BBL), also referred to as brain-research based learning (BRBL), must show value and application to the topic of curriculum and instruction. Knowing how one learns is critical to effectively reaching diverse populations of learners.
Content Instructions
Construct a formal essay that follows the Content and Writing Instructions below:
Analyze a minimum of three fundamental ideas that either added to or enhanced your understanding of brain-based learning including your own working definition of brain-based learning.
Considering the ten principles Jensen presents in the Principles of Brain-Based Learning (Links to an external site.), discuss how one or two specific principles apply to you personally based on either your own learning or that of those you have had experience with in a teaching and learning environment.
Written Communication Instructions
Length Requirement: Two to four pages not including the title and references pages.
Syntax and Mechanics: Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.
Source Requirement: Reference both assigned resources: Chapter 1 in Jensen (2008) and Principles of Brain-Based Learning (Links to an external site.). Exemplary assignments will include at least one other resource from your own research or from those listed as a Recommended Resource or found in the Weekly Lesson.
APA Formatting: Use APA formatting consistently throughout the assignment. Refer to the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.) for assistance with APA style and formatting.
Submitting Your Assignment
Submit your assignment for evaluation. Include the link to your ePortfolio in the comments box when uploading.
Archive your assignment in your ePortfolio by uploading to your Portfolium account. Once assignments are uploaded to your ePortfolio, they are considered artifacts and will be referenced as such.
Once logged in to your Portfolium account, select “Add Work.” Follow the step-by-step instructions.
Once uploaded, add a title (e.g., What is Brain-based Learning?) and a one- to two-sentence description.
Select “Education” as the category and give it the same title as the previous step.
Your artifact should now be viewable in your Portfolio.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.