Posted: October 30th, 2022
“What factors cause COPD
Data Question: “What factors cause COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and the facilitators for the administration of pneumococcal COPD Vaccination?”. Using the BRFSS Core Module great tables like the ones attached for the data question included.
Assignment Tables
Grade: 5% of the total grade
Length: 1-4 pages single spaced, 11 pt font, 1-inch margins
Submission: via Canvas by 11:55pm the day the assignment is due
Assignment: Submit the following tables with the output for your analysis
Table 1: Univariate Analysis
Table 2: Bivariates Analysis
Table 3: Multivariate Analysis
The example included in this assignment includes all four tables. Table Shells are provided
Remember: This assignment should be completed alone, without consultation with other students. No late papers will be accepted.
Other Info: Do not plagiarize. All assignments will be checked with Turnitin. As a general rule of thumb, if you are unsure if you need to cite, you should err on the side of caution and cite. Please use APA format for citations.
Table 1. Sociodemographic Characteristics and Health Outcomes of BRFSS Participants. n=800, 2017, NYC.
% n
Age (M= 24.22, SD=4.26, Range 18-29)
18 – 24 50.0 400
25 – 29 49.9 399
Missing 0.1 1
Hispanic/Latino 31.9 255
Black Non-Hispanic 35.8 286
White Non-Hispanic 20.5 164
Asian/Pacific Islander Non-Hispanic 4.4 35
Other Non-Hispanic* 3.5 28
Missing 4.0 32
Regular Access to Pediatrician
Yes 86.4 691
No 13.6 109
$0 – $14,999 31.1 249
$15,000 – $100,000 and Over 58.4 467
Missing 10.5 84
School Enrollment
No 66.6 533
Yes 33.3 266
Missing 0.1 1
Employment Status
Employed 78.6 629
Not Employed 20.4 163
Missing 1.0 8
Insurance Status
Insured 86.7 694
Uninsured 10.3 82
Missing 3.0 24
Disclosure to Friends/Family
All/Most 74.0 592
Some/Few/None 25.1 201
Missing 4.3 7
Lifetime History of STI/HIV Diagnosis
Yes 39.5 316
No 60.5 484
General Health Status
Excellent/Very Good 73.9 591
Good/Fair/Poor 26.1 209
Disclosure to PCP
Yes 69.9 559
No 7.3 58
Missing 22.9 183
Current PCP
Yes 77.3 618
No 22.6 181
Missing 0.1 1
Frequency of Healthcare Visits**
Less than once a year 15.9 127
More than once a year 59.1 473
Missing 25 200
Instances of Foregone Healthcare
Yes 20.3 162
No 79.8 638
Table 1. Sociodemographic Characteristics of BRFSS Participants. n=7330, 2018, United States.
% n
Gender Identity
Cisgender Men 47.6 3492
Cisgender Women 52.1 3818
Transgender or Gender Non-Conforming 0.3 20
Sexual Orientation
Heterosexual 93.2 6830
Lesbian or Gay 2.6 192
Bisexual 4.2 308
18 – 34 54.0 3961
35 – 44 46.0 3369
Participants of Color 45.4 3325
White non-Hispanic 54.6 4005
Less than $15,000 8.3 607
More than $15,000 91.7 6723
Education Level
Completed Some or All of High School 32.0 2349
Completed Some or All of College 68.0 4981
Employment Status
Employed 78.2 5733
Not Employed/Student/Homemaker 21.8 1597
Live in a Metropolitan Area
Yes 75.1 5502
No 24.9 1828
Insurance Status
Insured 83.6 6131
Uninsured 16.4 1199
Have at Least One PCP
Yes 69.3 5080
No 30.7 2250
Received HPV Vaccination
Yes 18.2 1332
No/Refused when Asked 81.8 5998
Table 2. Receipt the HPV Vaccination by Gender Identity of BRFSS Participants. n=7330, 2018, United States.
Cisgender Men
n=3492 Cisgender Women
% (n)
n=343 No
% (n)
n=3149 p-value Yes
% (n)
n=985 No
% (n)
n=2833 p-value
Age <0.001*** <0.001***
18 – 34 88.0 (302) 50.9 (1603) 85.1 (838) 42.6 (1206)
35 – 44 12.0 (41) 49.1 (1546) 14.9 (147) 57.4 (1627)
Race/Ethnicity 0.688 0.148
Participants of Color 42.6 (146) 43.8 (1380) 48.8 (481) 46.1 (1306)
White non-Hispanic 57.4 (197) 56.2 (1769) 51.2 (504) 53.9 (1527)
Income 0.285 0.361
Less than $15,000 4.7 (16) 6.3 (198) 9.4 (93) 10.6 (299)
More than $15,000 95.3 (327) 93.7 (2951) 90.6 (892) 89.4 (2534)
Education Level 0.025* 0.073
Completed Some or All of High School 29.7 (102) 35.8 (1128) 26.8 (264) 29.8 (845)
Completed Some or All of College 70.3 (241) 64.2 (2021) 73.2 (721) 70.2 (1988)
Employment Status <0.001*** 0.160
Employed 69.4 (238) 86.4 (2722) 70.5 (694) 72.8 (2063)
Not Employed/Student/Homemaker 30.6 (105) 13.6 (427) 29.5 (291) 27.2 (770)
Live in a Metropolitan Area <0.001*** 0.001***
Yes 85.4 (293) 75.0 (2362) 78.2 (770) 72.8 (2062)
No 14.6 (50) 25.0 (787) 21.8 (215) 27.2 (771)
Insurance Status 0.002** 0.007**
Insured 88.3 (303) 81.6 (2570) 87.6 (863) 84.1 (2382)
Uninsured 11.7 (40) 18.4 (579) 12.4 (122) 15.9 (451)
Have at Least One PCP 0.034* 0.389
Yes 67.6 (232) 61.8 (1946) 74.6 (735) 76.0 (2154)
No 32.4 (111) 38.2 (1203) 25.4 (250) 24.0 (679)
* p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001
Table 3. Receipt the HPV Vaccination by Sexual Orientation of BRFSS Participants. n=7330, 2018, United States.
n=6830 Lesbian or Gay
n=192 Bisexual
% (n)
n=1197 No
% (n)
n=5633 p-value Yes
% (n)
n=40 No
% (n)
n=152 p-value Yes
% (n)
n=95 No
% (n)
n=213 p-value
Age <0.001*** <0.001*** <0.001***
18 – 34 85.2 (1020) 14.9 (2600) 90.0 (36) 59.9 (91) 92.6 (88) 59.2 (126)
35 – 44 14.8 (177) 53.8 (3033) 10.0 (4) 40.1 (61) 7.4 (7) 40.8 (87)
Race/Ethnicity 0.133 0.722 0.710
Participants of Color 47.1 (564) 44.7 (2518) 57.5 (23) 53.3 (81) 43.2 (41) 46.0 (98)
White non-Hispanic 52.9 (633) 55.3 (3115) 42.5 (17) 4637 (71) 56.8 (54) 54.0(155)
Income 0.639 0.206 0.290
Less than $15,000 7.6 (91) 8.1 (455) 2.5 (1) 10.5 (16) 17.9 (17) 12.7 (27)
More than $15,000 92.4 (1106) 91.9 (5178) 97.5 (39) 89.5 (136) 82.1 (78) 186 (87.3)
Education Level <0.001*** 0.332 0.435
Completed Some or All of High School 27.4 (328) 33.0 (1859) 22.5 (9) 31.6 (48) 30.5 (29) 35.7 (76)
Completed Some or All of College 72.6 (869) 67.0 (3774) 77.5 (31) 68.4 (104) 69.5 (66) 64.3 (137)
Employment Status <0.001*** 0.092 0.359
Employed 70.7 (846) 80.4 (4529) 67.5 (27) 80.3 (122) 64.2 (61) 69.5 (148)
Not Employed/Student/Homemaker 29.3 (351) 19.6 (1104) 32.5 (13) 19.7 (30) 35.8 (34) 30.5 (65)
Live in a Metropolitan Area <0.001*** 0.362 0.212
Yes 79.4 (951) 73.6 (4147) 87.5 (35) 79.6 (121) 85.3 (81) 78.4 (167)
No 20.6 (246) 26.4 (1486) 12.5 (5) 20.4 (31) 14.7 (14) 21.6 (46)
Insurance Status <0.001*** 0.803 0.146
Insured 88.0 (1053) 82.7 (4660) 85.0 (34) 86.2 (131) 87.4 (83) 79.8 (170)
Uninsured 12.0 (144) 17.3 (973) 15.0 (6) 13.8 (21) 12.6 (12) 20.2 (43)
Have at Least One PCP 0.010** 0.345 0.018*
Yes 72.6 (869) 68.8 (3876) 75.0 (30) 66.4 (101) 75.8 (72) 62.0 (132)
No 27.4 (328) 31.2 (1757) 25.0 (10) 33.6 (51) 24.2 (23) 38.0(81)
* p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001
Table 4. Multivariable Logistic Regression Models Examining Receipt of the HPV Vaccination by Gender Identity of BRFSS Participants. n=7330, 2018, United States.
Unadjusted Model Adjusted Model
OR 95% CI p-value OR 95% CI p-value
Cisgender Men
Age 0.141 0.101-0.197 <0.001*** 0.139 0.099-0.195 <0.001***
Race/Ethnicity 0.950 0.758-1.190 0.656 — — —
Income 1.371 0.814-2.311 0.236 — — —
Education Level 1.319 1.035-1.681 0.025* 1.342 1.038-1.734 <0.025**
Employment Status 0.356 0.277-0.457 <0.001*** 0.408 0.313-0.532 <0.001***
Live in a Metropolitan Area 0.512 0.375-0.699 <0.001*** 0.536 0.390-0.739 <0.001***
Insurance Status 1.707 1.212-2.402 0.002** 1.689 1.169-2.440 0.005**
Have at Least One PCP 1.292 1.019-1.638 0.034** 1.386 1.072-1.791 0.013*
Cisgender Women
Age 0.130 0.107-0.157 <0.001*** 0.126 0.104-0.153 <0.001***
Race/Ethnicity 1.116 0.965-1.290 0.139 — — —
Income 1.132 0.886-1.446 0.322 — — —
Education Level 1.161 0.987-1.365 0.072 — — —
Employment Status 0.890 0.759-1.045 0.154 — — —
Live in a Metropolitan Area 0.747 0.629-0.887 0.001** 0.725 0.603-0.873 0.001**
Insurance Status 1.339 1.081-1.660 0.008** 1.586 1.263-1.993 <0.001***
Have at Least One PCP 0.927 0.784-1.096 0.373 — — —
* p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001
Table 5. Multivariable Logistic Regression Models Examining Receipt of the HPV Vaccination by Sexual Orientation of BRFSS Participants. n=7330, 2018, United States.
Unadjusted Model Adjusted Model
OR 95% CI p-value OR 95% CI p-value
Age 0.149 0.126-0.176 <0.001*** 0.140 0.118-0.166 <0.001***
Race/Ethnicity 1.102 0.973-1.249 0.127 — — —
Income 1.068 0.845-1.350 0.582 — — —
Education Level 1.305 1.136-1.499 <0.001*** 1.403 1.208-1.629 <0.001***
Employment Status 0.588 0.510-0.676 <0.001*** 0.629 0.541-0.732 <0.001***
Live in a Metropolitan Area 0.722 0.620-0.841 <0.001*** 0.718 0.612-0.843 <0.001***
Insurance Status 1.527 1.266-1.841 <0.001*** 1.536 1.250-1.886 <0.001***
Have at Least One PCP 1.201 1.045-1.380 0.010** 1.368 1.175-1.592 <0.001***
Lesbian or Gay
Age 0.166 0.056-0.489 <0.001*** 0.166 0.056-0.489 <0.001***
Race/Ethnicity 1.186 0.587-2.396 0.635 — — —
Income 4.588 0.590-35.691 0.146 — — —
Education Level 1.590 0.702-3.599 0.266 — — —
Employment Status 0.511 0.236-1.106 0.088 — — —
Live in a Metropolitan Area 0.558 0.202-1.541 0.260 — — —
Insurance Status 0.908 0.340-2.427 0.848 — — —
Have at Least One PCP 1.515 0.687-3.341 0.303 — — —
Age 0.115 0.051-0.261 <0.001*** 0.090 0.039-0.208 <0.001***
Race/Ethnicity 0.891 0.547-1.450 0.642 — — —
Income 0.666 0.344-1.291 0.229 — — —
Education Level 1.263 0.751-2.121 0.379 — — —
Employment Status 0.788 0.473-1.313 0.361 — — —
Live in a Metropolitan Area 0.627 0.326-1.207 0.163 — — —
Insurance Status 1.750 0.876-3.494 0.113 — — —
Have at Least One PCP 1.921 1.114-3.313 0.019* 2.890 1.619-5.159 <0.001***
*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001
Table 1.
% n
Table 2.
% (n)
% (n) p-value
% (n)
% (n) p-value
% (n)
% (n) p-value
Table 3.
Unadjusted Model Adjusted Model
OR 95% CI p-value OR 95% CI p-value