Posted: October 13th, 2022
What can you find out about the attacking host
Create one Word document for both part A and B. Answer the questions with screenshots to support each question to receive credit. Part A (25 points) A network trace with attack data is provided. Make sure you extract the file using something like 7-Zip. Analyze and answer the following questions with screenshots to support your answers: .gz ff>
1. What can you find out about the attacking host (IP address, Host Name, MAC address) 2. Which operating system was targeted by the attack? 3. What specific vulnerability was attacked? 4. Was there malware involved? Whats the name of the malware? 5. Do you think this is a manual or an automated attack? Why?
Part B (25 points) For this one, just answer the following questions with screenshots to support your answers using this pcap: ,l,
What is the hostname of the system the PCAP was recovered from? What is version of operating system is the machine using? What is the name of the “immortal crew”? What are the names of the two files downloaded to the local machine?