Posted: November 29th, 2022
What are the similarities and differences in the social status
What are the similarities and differences in the social status of slaves in the Waning States and Han China and in the third-millennium BC Mesopotamia?
Robin Yates, lavery in Early China: a socio-cultural approach… Journal of East Asian Archaeology 3 (2002), 28,331. Lorenzo Verderame, ‘Slavery in third-millennium Mesopotamia-. Journal of Global Slavery 3 (201E). 13-40.
Please make sure that the sources that you use in your essay are properly referenced. Also please make sure you follow the general guidelines. The final size of your essay should be approximately 1000 words. The essay is due at 21:00 on Thursday, 1 December. When you submit your essay, please insert the following phrase at the very top of the first page of your submission. I may not be able to accept your essay if you omit it:
I acknowledge that any instance of appropriation of textual material without indication of its source will be considered plagiarism, leading to the lowest grade (zero). I understand that plagiarism involves direct copying of material in English as well as the borrowing of translated material from other languages, such as Chinese. I also acknowledge that even a single sentence appropriated without indication of its source is considered plagiarism.
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Both the Egyptian and Mayan writing systems had strong ties to their respective ritual and monumentary practices (Scarre, Fagan and Golden, 2021, 126–7, 481-4). Similar traces can be found in their decline histories. According to Houston and Stauder (2020, 35), “the withering of Egyptian and Maya imagery correlated with the decline and disappearance of their writing to a notable extent.”
Houston, Stephen and Stauder, Andreas. 2020. “What is a hieroglyph?”, L’Homme 233, pp. 9–44.
Scarre, Chris, Fagan, Brian M. and Golden, Charles. 2021. Ancient Civilizations. 5th ed. New York: Routledge.