Posted: February 26th, 2022
What are the routing protocols that can be used in Time-Sensitive Networking?
Problem Statement-
What are the routing protocols that can be used in Time-Sensitive Networking? How these protocols are impacting the network or how the distribution is in the network. Please use the metric MSTL( Maximum Scheduled Traffic Load) to measure distribution load in the network. Write code and Implement these protocols using a simulator tool (OMNeT++ is preferred) and generate conclusions out of it. Finally plot necessary details in the graphs.
Already done part-
I have already submitted 3 routing protocols but I don’t have code for them to simulate and generate results/data. Please help me in doing the code part.
1) SPF – Shortest Path First and wt-SPF – weighted Shortest Path First
2) ECMP – Equal Cost Multi Path and wt-ECMP – weighted Equal Cost Multi path
3) Tabu Search (Heuristic based approach)
Pseudocodes and all the necessary details can be found here – Routing Algorithms for Time
Sensitive Network