Posted: May 1st, 2022
What are the identified strengths and identified 8weaknesses
Using the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services “Hospital Compare” website at, locate the data for two hospitals of interest to you. You may choose the two that are closest to your current location (or home location if deployed), but any facilities may be chosen. Run the hospital comparison, and then carefully study each portion of the review and ratings data for the two facilities. Make use of the Hospital Compare website, which can be found at, to identify the statistics for two hospitals that are of particular interest to you, and then compare the data between them. You may select the two facilities that are closest to your current location (or home location if you are deployed), but you may select any facility you wish. Start by comparing the two hospitals, and then carefully examine each section of the review and rating data for each of the two establishments.
1. Analyze the quality, safety, outcomes, and satisfaction data for each of the two hospitals that you selected. What stands out in the data of each hospital from a managerial and also a consumer viewpoint?
2. What are the identified strengths and identified weaknesses of each facility in terms of their quality data?
3. If you were the future health care manager of these facilities, how could your concerns for each facility’s data be addressed? Be specific in your explanations.
Required Readings:
Duffy, G. L., Peiffer, S., & Story, P. (2019). How well is your healthcare quality management
system performing? The Journal for Quality and Participation, 42(1), 12-18. Retrieved from
the Trident Online Library.
Maritz, R., Scheel-Sailer, A., Schmitt, K., & Prodinger, B. (2018). Overview of quality management models for inpatient healthcare settings. A scoping review. International Journal for Quality in Health Care: Journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care, 404-410. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
Myszewski, J. M., & Sinha, M. N. (2018). A model for measuring effectiveness of quality management practices in health care. Leadership in Health Services, 31(3), 310-325. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
Samitt, C. (2019, August 14). 2019 digital quality summit: Advancing health care [Video file]. Retrieved from
Chapters 1 and 4, pp. 3-16 and pp. 33-62 in:
Spath, P., & Kelly, D. L. (2017). Applying quality management in healthcare: A systems
approach (4th ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
3-5 Pages