Posted: March 3rd, 2022
Week6 Q1_Info
Chapter 12 – From our weekly chapter reading, we learned that Crowdsourcing can be a very valuable tool for promoting and developing three main pillars of an open government. According to the Executive Office of the President (2009), Open Government Directive, Crowdsourcing ideas in the public sector identifies and defines those three pillars as?
Q1: Please identify and name the three (3) pillars of an open government, and provide a short description for each?
identify and name the three (3) pillars of an open government
provide a short and clear narrative for each pillar to support your response,
Chapter 13 – Our observations from the case study reading in the chapter material, Leadership and Management in Complex Systems research by Jager and van der Vegt (2005), is that leadership scholars seem to acknowledge the dynamic nature of leadership and have developed models and frameworks to organize and describe the factors that are important. However, empirical research to test these models is scarce. The authors have suggested the reasons for the lack of such research on dynamic leadership processes.
Q2: Carefully identify this reason(s), and provide a brief narrative about why the authors provided that reason?
identify and name up to three (3) reasons for the lack of research on dynamic leadership processes,
Write 600 words total for two questions in APA