Posted: November 19th, 2022
Week 8 Reviewing and Reflecting on the Readings
Week 8 Reviewing and Reflecting on the Readings
This week’s discussion 500-word response should reflect on the notion of class as it appears in Geetha’s work on caste and the Davadasis in India. Geetha’s article addresses the intersection of class through caste with gender. How does this show the power of privilege in the treatment of the Davadasis? What from the readings from Weeks 4-6 might help to connect the importance of understanding the intersection of gender and class? how might age, as discussed last week, apply? How does the article from the New York Times by Miller, et al, explain what might be needed to break down existing barriers of class prejudice? Do you agree with Miller after looking at the Social Capital Atlas in your community? What about the discussion on class covered in the course video? [Note: This will focus on the U.S. so if you did not go to school in the U.S., choose one in your community or use Portland State.] How does this tell you even more about your community? If there are any areas where you require clarification on the material, please mention these at the end of your post.