Posted: February 19th, 2022
Week 6 RAR 1
Effective leadership creates and maintains a collaborative culture within an organization.
Reflecting on questions taken from Linden’s 2010 text, what organizations, bureaus, etc. come to your mind that bring the following characteristics to your mind?
“• Control of resources equals power.
• Strong organizational units compete for resources and power.
• A top-down leadership style means a few senior executives make all important decisions.
• A cowboy culture rewards strong personalities who try to outdo each other for the leader’s attention.
• The focus is on individual units and functions, not on the needs of the entire enterprise” (Linden, 2010, p. 257).
Identify the organizations, bureaus, etc. that reflect one or some of these characteristics. What is your SWOT analysis for the organizations that have these characteristics? What could be done to improve these organizations?
Be sure to respond to your class colleagues’ posts.
Linden, Russell M (2010). Leading Across Boundaries: Creating Collaborative Agencies in a Networked World. Wiley. Kindle Edition.