Posted: September 1st, 2023
Week 4: Sodium, caffeine, or water?
Week 4: Sodium, caffeine, or water?
Contains unread posts
TASK: Select one of the three options below and address the question(s) listed. Clearly label your subject when you reply: sodium, caffeine or water.
1. Sodium
Go to the web-site Science Daily and search for an article about sodium in diet, summarize what you learned and compare to the information about sodium in the textbook. Any surprises? Do you pay attention to the amount of sodium in your diet? Why or why not?
2. Caffeine
Go to the web-site Science Daily and search for an article about caffeine. Summarize what you learned and compare to the information about caffeine in the textbook. Any surprises? Do you pay attention to the amount of caffeine in your diet? Why or why not?
3. Water
Do you drink mainly bottled water or tap water? Which do you believe is the safest options? What are some concerns associated with tap water vs. bottled water? Reference the textbook and at least one other reliable information source in your post.