Posted: January 18th, 2023
Week 4 Gantt Chart Critical Path and Assignment
Week 4 Gantt Chart Critical Path and Assignment
Stadium Builders RS are preparing a bid to build a new 75,000 seat baseball stadium in Delaware. The construction must start on June 1, 2021 and be completed in time for the 2024 season. A penalty clause of $90,000 per day of delay beyond April 20, 2024 is written into the contract.
Willie Robertson, the president of the company could net as much as $1.9MM on the project. He also said if they are successful, the prospects for future projects are very good since there is a projected interest in building new ball parks with modern luxury boxes.
Given the information provided below for the stadium project, answer the following questions:
1. Will the project be completed by the April 20th deadline?
2. How long will it take?
3. What is the critical path for the project? (Highlight this on your Gantt chart if possible)
4. Based on the schedule, would you recommend that the new owner pursue this construction contract? Why or Why not?
5. Include a one page Gantt chart for the stadium schedule.
ID Activity Duration Predecessor(s)
1 Baseball Stadium
2 Get permits 10 days —
3 Clear stadium site 70 days —
4 Demolish building 30 days 3
5 Set up construction site 70 days 4
6 Drive support piling 120 days 3
7 Pour lower concrete bowl 120 days 6
8 Pour main concourse 120 days 4,7
9 Install playing field 90 days 4,7
10 Construct upper steel bowl 120 days 4,7
11 Install seats 140 days 8, 10
12 Build luxury boxes 90 days 8, 10
13 Install Jumbotron 30 days 8, 10
14 Stadium infrastructure 120 days 8, 10
15 Construct steel canopy 75 days 11
16 Light installation 30 days 15
17 Build roof supports 90 days 7
18 Construct roof 180 days 17
19 Install roof tracks 90 days 17
20 Install roof 90 days 18, 19
21 Inspection 20 days 9,12,14,16,20
-Study Notes-
The project will not be completed by the April 20th deadline as the final inspection is scheduled on Day 21 and that is after April 20th.
The project will take at least 691 days (from Day 1 until Inspection day).
The critical path for the project is:
ID 3 “Clear stadium site”
ID 6 “Drive support piling”
ID 7 “Pour lower concrete bowl”
ID 8 “Pour main concourse”
ID 9 “Install playing field”
ID 10 “Construct upper steel bowl”
ID 11 “Install seats”
ID 15 “Construct steel canopy”
ID 17 “Build roof supports”
ID 18 “Construct roof”
ID 19 “Install roof tracks”
ID 20 “Install roof”
ID 21 “Inspection”
Based on the schedule, I would not recommend that the new owner pursue this construction contract. The project is not completed by the April 20th deadline and also the penalty clause of $90,000 per day of delay beyond April 20, 2024.