Posted: March 5th, 2022
Week 4 DQ
3/1/22, 11:46 AM Discussions List – ENGL110 I025 Winter 2022 5/7
Week 4 Discussion
W3: How can the APUS Library help me?
Topic Threads Posts Last Post
Available on Feb 21, 2022 12:01 AM. Access restricted before availability starts.
25 (81)
Christopher Tubbs
yesterday at 10:17 PM
Read lesson 3 and then click on the Library tab in the
classroom. Pick one (1) of the areas mentioned in the
week three Lessons and respond to the following.
Number your answers and write in complete
sentences. Do not include the questions in your post.
Which area of the library did you select?
How did you get there?
What did you find particularly interesting or helpful
about this section?
What did you learn by exploring this section that
you did not know already?
Did anything surprise you or particularly impress
Here you’ll see a sample post and response.
Responding to Others
Ask for more information or how the information
might be helpful.
You can visit the section your classmate discussed
in his/her post and then ask about that section.
You might refer to the post of another student in
your group.
See the sample response for ideas.
Discussion Guidelines for timing, content, and format
ENGL110 Discussion Rubric
W4: Plagiarism 2
Topic Threads Posts Last Post
Available on Feb 28, 2022 12:01 AM. Access restricted before availability starts.
2 (2) Eric Schwandt
yesterday at 10:26 AM
Please note that this is a threaded discussion,
allowing you to have an extended conversation in a
smaller group. After you read the article “Why
Students Plagiarize,” decide how you want to
respond to it. What do you think of the approaches
presented? Choose one of the following ways to
Skeptic, challenging the author
Reflector, thinking about how the reading
applies to you and others
Validator, supporting the author
3/1/22, 11:46 AM Discussions List – ENGL110 I025 Winter 2022 6/7
Week 5 Discussion
Week 6 Discussion (Optional)
Topic Threads Posts Last Post
Extender, applying the author’s principles to
future situations
Descriptions of these roles are found below. Once
you’ve decided, then make your initial post in the
appropriate thread (skeptic, reflector, validator, or
extender). If there are already five (5) persons in
that thread, please choose another one. Do not
start your own thread.
Skeptic – Challenge some items in the reading. Be
specific about what you disagree with and provide
substantive evidence (logic, examples, or even
research). Here’s a way to start your post: “I disagree
with many points in the article because…”
Reflector – Think about the concepts set forth in the
reading as they relate to your own experiences or those
of others. Be specific about your observations, explaining
how you have reached your conclusions. Here’s a way to
start your post: “Reading this article makes me think of a
class I took last year…”
Validator – Support some items in the reading. Be
specific about which points you agree with, explaining
why you do. Provide evidence. Here’s a way to start your
post: “I agree with many of the author’s points, such
Extender – Show how the concepts might be applied
in future situations. You may focus on both positive and
negative ramifications. Be specific as you extend the
conversation. Here’s a way to start your post: “This
article made me wonder how the concepts might be
applied to…”
Responding to Others
Ask for clarification about why the student chose
the role he/she did.
Provide additional evidence for that role or another
Try using one of these roles (skeptic, reflector,
validator, or extender) in your responses.
Discussion Guidelines for timing, content, and format
ENGL110 Discussion Rubric
Topic Threads Posts Last Post
W5: Sharing the problem you will write about in your final paper
Available on Mar 7, 2022 12:01 AM. Access restricted before availability starts.
Wednesday, March 22, 11:46 a.m. ENGL110 I025 Winter 2022 Discussions List
List 5/7
Discussion for Week 4
W3: In what ways may the APUS Library assist me?
Topic Threads Posts Most Recent Post
On the 21st of February, 2022, at 12:01 a.m. Access restricted before availability starts.
25 (81)
Christopher Tubbs
yesterday at 10:17 PM
Read lesson 3 and then click on the Library tab in the
classroom. Pick one (1) of the areas mentioned in the
week three Lessons and respond to the following.
Number your answers and write in complete
sentences. Do not include the questions in your post.
Which area of the library did you select?
How did you get there?
What did you find particularly interesting or helpful
about this section?
What did you learn by exploring this