Posted: November 28th, 2022
Week 3 Discussion Medical Sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.)
Instructions: Main Post 325 Words
Click on the Create Thread button at the top of the page to post your main response to the weekly discussion.
Type the Number and Name of your topic as the subject heading to let students easily see the list of topics that have already been posted.
Post on a topic that has not already been posted by another student. Post early in the week to ensure you get the topic you want.
Do not post attachments – Post material directly on the board.
RESEARCH (Label this section)
The explanation / background of the topic- Teach the topic to students. Share interesting and current research on the topic.
Use APA citations in the text to clarify sources.
Reminder: Your textbook should be one of the sources.
Click Week 3 Discussion above. Then, click Create Thread to begin your Week 3 Discussion work. Topics for Selection
1. Fibrous joints: anatomy & example of each: Does this move? 2. Cartilaginous joints: subtypes, anatomy & example of each, Does this move? 3. Synovial joints- subtypes. anatomy & example of each. Does this move? 4. Stability vs Range of motion: The story of 2 bones meeting. Ligaments/bursa 5. Lever systems: Types and examples in the body 6. Antagonist. Prime movers and Synergists 7. Be different! The Importance of differences: skeletal vs smooth vs cardiac muscle with examples 8. Four muscles of mastication- Origin, Insertion, Action 9. TMJ joint: Bones that form it. anatomy, movements. TMJ dysfunction 10. The Shoulder joint: Bones that form it, Range of motion. common dysfunctions compared to normal structure 11. The Elbow joint: Bones that form it, movements & examples, common dysfunctions compared to normal structure 12. The Hip joint: Bones that form it. Range of motion. common dysfunctions compared to normal structure 13. The Knee joint: Bones that form it. Range of motion. common dysfunctions compared to normal structure
14. The Ankle foot: Bones that form it. Range of motion, common dysfunctions compared to normal structure 15. Foot: special movements. extrinsic vs intrinsic muscles. 16. Important vertebral joints: axialocciptial & alantoaxinal joints. intervertebral joint anatomy. Range of motion for the spine. 17. Winged! The scapula: location. anatomy, special movements. How does it attach to body? 18. Muscles of the back: superficial to deep- How is it organized? 19. Breathe! Muscles of the thorax & abdominal wall: rib muscles, diaphragm 20. Why do I have to do so many types of sit ups? Muscles of anterior abdominal wall, layers- superficial to deep, origin/insertion. fiber orientations vs purpose, hernias 21. Muscles of the Rotator Cuff: Break it down and injuries 22. Carpal tunnel syndrome vs Normal anatomy: Muscles of the forearm and hand 23. Muscles of hip and thigh- functional groups. compartments. names, function 24. Kick me! Muscles of leg and foot-functional groups. compartments. names, function and special movements 25. Contract me! The sarcomere: How we organize function in the skeletal muscles. The Sliding Filament theory explained. 26. Types of Proteins in the muscle: microscopic structures- thin, thick and
27. Follow the movement of Calcium: A walk through muscle contraction 28. Neurotransmitters in the muscle: NMJ and The story of acetylcholine and the motor end plate 29. Tone: The story of the motor units in the muscle. 30. Posture and stability 31. Force of contraction: What are the different aspects to gain strength vs fine motor control 32. The All or None principle 33. The story of Sodium and Potassium within Nerve and Muscle function. 34. Types of Contraction: isometric vs isotonic contractions with examples. 35 The Athletes and their sport: red vs white fibers 36. Men vs Women and muscle mass: Research says: 37. Feel the burn! Energy sources: Lactic acid and the story of Oxygen 38 Arnold vs the Blade Runner: The anatomy of bulking up with weights vs running 39. Connect the dots: ATP and Mitochondria in muscle. 40. Strain vs Sprain vs Cramp compared to normal structure and function