Posted: May 1st, 2022
Week 3 Assignment – Case Study: Criminal Justice Ethics
Week 3 Assignment – Case Study: Criminal Justice Ethics
Read the following case study and respond to the question below.
In 1982, a U.S. Supreme Court decision entitled undocumented illegal immigrants to free education from kindergarten through grade 12. About 65,000 undocumented students graduated from U.S. colleges in 2009 alone. Miguel (“Mike”) and his parents crossed the border illegally from Mexico when he was only two. The family has been living in California for the past 15 years, where his father works as a laborer and his mother as a chambermaid. Mike graduated as valedictorian of his class and also won a prestigious science award. Given his family’s financial situation, he can go to college only because California is one of about twenty states, as of 2018, that allow in-state tuition for children of undocumented immigrants, if they have attended high school in their states. This practice has been challenged in federal court as a violation of federal immigration law (1).
Several states have already banned undocumented immigrants from their public colleges and universities, arguing that a college education is a scarce resource and tax money should be spent helping citizens get a college education rather than funding the education of undocumented immigrants. Critics also argue that the policy provides an enticement for people to come to the United States illegally. Supporters of in-state tuition argue that it is wrong to punish children for their parents’ actions. In addition, the chance for a college education provides an incentive for bright students to reach their potential as productive members of society.
Question: Should in-state tuition be granted to undocumented students?
1. Judith Boss. 2020. Analyzing Moral Issues. p. 363 McGraw-Hill Higher Education 7th edition textbook available at
Use the Case Study Assignment Template to do the following:
Describe the relevant facts of the case.
Clarify concepts relevant to the case.
Apply a moral standard to the case.
Articulate a conclusion to the stated question.
Include at least two references, such as the textbook and other readings, to support your arguments.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Practice the application of ethics to everyday life.
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Introduction to Week 3’s Case Study: Criminal Justice Ethics
Read the following case study and answer the following question.
Undocumented illegal immigrants were granted free education from kindergarten to grade 12 as a result of a 1982 Supreme Court decision. In 2009, approximately 65,000 undocumented students graduated from colleges in the United States. Miguel (“Mike”) and his parents illegally crossed the border from Mexico when he was two years old. For the past 15 years, the family has lived in California, His mother works as a chambermaid and his father as a laborer. Mike was the class valedictorian and received a prestigious science award. Because California is one of about twenty states, he can attend college despite his family’s financial situation.