Posted: February 15th, 2022
Week 2 RES 820A essay
Reading Research
Insert Your Name Here
College of Doctoral Studies, Grand Canyon University
RES820A: The Literature Landscape: Organizational Leadership
Dr. Davis
Assignment Due Date
STOP AND View the video: RES-820 Reading Research before beginning this assignment. You may delete this disclaimer for your submission
Identifying Relevant Literary Artifacts by Reading an Abstract
Generally, students start reading an article at the beginning and read it straight through to the end. Reading in a linear fashion is not the most efficient approach to evaluate academic literature. Researchers take a more strategic approach in order to quickly sort articles and identify what sources are relevant to their project.
Read only the abstract of each of the five articles in the Study Materials for this topic. Using only the information from the abstract, choose the one article that is most relevant to your program and emphasis area . Address the following based solely on what you read in the abstract. Type your answers in this document to submit for grading. Save your document as a Word document with the file namein this format: LastName.FirstName.RES820.ReadingResearch. You can delete all of the prior information before submission.
1. Provide the full APA reference for the article you chose. This should be the VERY first thing I see in this section.
1. Paraphrase the problem being addressed in the study. Make sure to use paragraph form (90-200 words) and do not copy and paste from the article
1. Summarize the main points of the study. Answer this question in paragraph form (90-200 words).
1. State your initial thoughts about what you read. What ideas did it give you about the topic? Try writing in 3rd person with your response. You need to get the in the habit of developing a consistent 3rd person voice. Answer this question in paragraph form (90-200 words).
1. Describe how the abstract influences a researcher’s decision to delve deeper into the article. Answer this question in paragraph form (90-200 words).
Reading Strategically to Improve Efficiency
Read the entirety of the article you selected in the order listed below. Take notes on the sections as you go being certain to answer the questions before moving on to read the next section. Include your notes and answers to the questions in this document for submission. You can delete all of the prior information before submission.
1. Findings and Conclusions: What are the main findings from the topic? Why are they important? How does reading the conclusion first help a researcher determine if a source is relevant enough to continue to read? Answer this question in paragraph form (90-200 words). DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM THE ARTICLE
1. Methodology: What is the methodology (quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods)? Who/what comprised the population? What was the sample size? How was the sample determined? How did the researcher(s) collect data (instruments, surveys, interviews, etc.)? How does reading the methodology section help a researcher better understand the context for the study? Answer this question in paragraph form (90-200 words). DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM THE ARTICLE
1. Literature Review: How does the literature review provide a logical discussion of the background of the problem being investigated? Did the author(s) do a good job of explaining the context you need to understand the problem being addressed? Explain. What seems to be the purpose of the literature review section of a study? Answer this question in paragraph form (90-200 words). DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM THE ARTICLE
1. Introduction: How did the author(s) create an argument for why the study needed to be completed? What were the issues that led the author to investigate this problem? Answer this question in paragraph form (90-200 words). DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM THE ARTICLE
1. Discussion: How do the author(s) address their research questions? Why might a researcher read this section last? Answer this question in paragraph form (90-200 words). DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM THE ARTICLE
Gathering Additional Resources
When researchers read academic literature, they have “a thumb on the back page.” That is, they keep the reference section readily accessible while reading the article. This technique allows them to investigate the reference page of the study while reading the article. This is one way of gathering additional resources that could be used for their own research projects.
Complete the following steps for this part of the assignment and include your answers in this document for submission. You can delete all of the prior information before submission.
1. Return to the article you selected and find a source cited in the literature review. Then, find the corresponding reference on the reference page. Copy the full APA reference for the source to your document for submission.
2. Look up the article title in the GCU Library. Was the article available to read?
3. Look up the title in Google Scholar ( Is the article available? Using Google Scholar, find two articles that cited this source. If the article is not available, identify two alternatives provided by Google Scholar.
4. How does this technique help you understand that the research process is ongoing? How does this technique help you to locate more current literature? Answer this question in paragraph form (90-200 words).
Write a reflection (250-500 words) about your interaction with the reading strategy presented in this assignment. Address the following items and your reflection in this document for submission:
1. How is this approach different from your current reading strategy?
2. How was it uncomfortable?
3. How can you begin to incorporate into your practice?
4. Why is it important to read literature in this fashion?
5. Was there a moment when you had enough information about the article to stop reading and move on to another article?
This section can use 1st person but should be written in paragraph form exclusively. Do not write responses to each question rather compile your thoughts into a 250-500 word reflection. Keep paragraphs to between 90-150 words and cite appropriately throughout. You can delete all of the prior information before submission.
Author, A., Author, A., & Author, A. (2014). The article title is in sentence case. Journal of APA Style, 42, 74-89. doi: 48.1516.2342
Author, A., Author, A., & Author, A. (2014). The article title is in sentence case: Only capitalize the first letter of the first word and words after punctuation in the title. Journal of APA Style, 42, 74-89. (Notice I did not include the retrieval information and you should not either even if you cannot find the doi)
Author, A. (2014). Book titles are in italics and still in sentence case. Publisher.
Make sure that your references are in hanging indent and that references are in alphabetical order and double spaced. All references must have an accompanying in-text citation and all in-text citations must, also, be included within the references. DO NOT INCLUDE THE PERMALINKS OR ANY DATABASE/LIBRARY RETRIEVAL INFORMATION WITHIN YOUR REFERENCES.