Posted: January 18th, 2023
Week 1 – Discussion: Teaching & Learning
Week 1 – Discussion: Teaching & Learning (Prompt 1)
Read Ch 1: Teaching & Learning (Woolfolk). Review
‘The School Counselor and Academic Development
Respond to the following prompts, in approximately one paragraph (minimum of 5 sentences), in the Chapter 1 discussion forum by Wednesday ( Late penalty will apply if submitted after Thursday, 11:59 p.m.):
• What are some main differences between ESSA and NCLB? • When do students show the most progress for a standardized test? Include rationale from the textbook, other provided resources, and personal experience to support your position. In order to get the complete points, responses have to be well written. Short and quick responses will get deducted points this includes your reply to two classmates posts.
Reply to two classmate’s posts ( REPLYING TO A QUESTION FROM YOUR POST BY ANOTHER STUDENT DOES NOT COUNT TOWARDS TWO CLASSMATE POSTS), applying the RISE Model for Meaningful Feedback , by Sunday. If possible, respond to a post that has not yet received feedback from a classmate.
The main differences between the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is that ESSA emphasizes states’ role in developing and implementing academic standards, assessments, and accountability systems, whereas NCLB focused on a more centralized approach with rigid federal standards and consequences for schools that did not meet them. ESSA also places a greater emphasis on student support services such as school counseling, and allows for more flexibility in how schools can use federal funding to improve student outcomes.
According to the textbook, students show the most progress for standardized tests when they are given the opportunity for regular and meaningful engagement with the material being tested. This can include small group instruction, differentiated instruction, and formative assessments. Additionally, students who have access to support services such as school counseling show more progress in standardized tests as they have access to academic, personal and social support, to help them overcome any barriers that may be preventing them from reaching their full potential. Personal experience supports this, as I have seen firsthand how providing students with additional support and opportunities for engagement with the material can lead to improved test scores and overall academic success.