Instructions Students much review the case study and answer all questions with a scholarly response using APA and include 2 scholarly references. Answer both case studies on the same document and upload 1 document to Moodle. Case Study 3 & 4 change every semester. Topics will be delivered at due time. The answers must be […]
Writing notes *Please use the attached “Template” and this document, “Writing Notes”, to write the paper. The “Rubric “is also attached for validation. *Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed […]
Reflection Domain 1: Consultation Background information, reflection essay and supporting article or guideline Reflections• Domain 1 -The Consultation dimensions1-6 from RPS – A Competency Framework for all Prescribers competencies framework sept 2021 Level 7 -1000 words (does not include background or references)• Reflect on an episode of care, something you were involved in or observed- […]
You have a 17-year-old female that comes in with suspected pregnancy and limited family support. She is accompanied by her 18-year-old boyfriend who is the father of the child. While knowing she needs prenatal care, what resources and education would you try to provide and how would you encourage compliance in this vulnerable patient? What […]
Develop a patient-centered concept map for a chosen condition. This could be a disease, or a disorder based upon the best available evidence that has been individualized to treat your patient’s health, economic, and cultural needs. Write a brief 3–5 page narrative that explains why the resources cited in the concept map and narrative are […]
Patients and staff may suffer if nurses are not included in system development plans. Our hospital has just announced that our new EHR will be delayed for another eight months. Some sites have been using the new EHR and have encountered some challenges within a few weeks of going live. This delay is in the […]
Discussion Prompt Week 8: Discussion Question – Reflection Of the 6 SOAP notes you submitted for this course and uploaded in Project Concert, which categories within the template below did you complete? For your personal use and tracking, please place dates in the boxes as you complete the SOAP notes (Do not include this information […]
A 12-year-old boy has occasional episodes of mild asthma while playing soccer with his friends. Q1. What treatment should this patient receive to relieve symptoms during an asthma attack? Q2. If the patient’s asthma attacks occur more frequently, what changes in therapy might be appropriate? A 19-year-old college student is asking for contraceptives. Q3. What […]
Select a community organization or group that you feel would be interested in learning about ethical and policy issues that affect the coordination of care. Then, develop and record a 10-12-slide, 20-minute presentation, with audio, intended for that audience. Create a detailed narrative script or speakers notes for your presentation, 4-5 pages in length. As […]
Task 2 Community Outbreak: Analyze two outbreaks of Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Covid-19 in your CDC (Centers for Disease Control) region, and a community outbreak that occurred in a country outside of U.S. Additional support regarding this section is provided below. Task 2 Template: *To write the task you are to use the Task 2 template. […]