Posted: December 11th, 2022
Watch the film DNA is Not Destiny
watch the film DNA is Not Destiny: How the Outside Gets Under the Skin Links to an external site., read the Hurley (2013) Trait Vs. Fate Links to an external site., read the Gartstein and Skinner (2018) Prenatal Influences on Temperament Development: The Role of Environmental Epigenetics Links to an external site., read the Buso, Andrei, and Popescu (2020) Allostatic Neuroplasticity and Epigenetic Mechanisms in Personality Development Links to an external site., and review the University of Utah Genetic Science Learning Center’s Lick Your Rats Links to an external site.. The recommended resources also provide additional information on these topics that may be helpful.
In this week’s required resources, you learned that while genes have a lot to say about who we are, environmental factors, particularly parental behavior, can shape the behavior of offspring on a biochemical level. In your initial post of a minimum of 450 words:
Briefly describe the research that has been done with rat mothers to illustrate this phenomenon.
Be specific about the maternal behaviors and correlated biochemical changes to their offspring. This section demonstrates that you understand what research has been conducted and what the results mean, so be sure to go beyond quoting.
Name three things from the film DNA is Not Destiny: How the Outside Gets Under the Skin Links to an external site.: one that surprised you, one that frustrated you, and one that inspired you to look deeper into this topic.
Explain the implications of the research on parental behavior and environmental factors as they relate to human personality development. Be sure to cite all the required sources i
Describe each of the five traits included in the big five model:
Openness to experience
Next, reflect on your results from the test, including each of the five traits.
Answer the following:
How accurate do you think this assessment is in describing your personality traits?
What role do you think the circumstance of your upbringing played in the development of these traits (e.g., include the dominant culture in which you grew up, your place in the family structure, religion or lack of religion in the home, etc.)?
The Big Five Assessment Reflection must be three to five double-spaced pages in length not including title and references pages (See the Formatting Your References List Links to an external site.resource in the UAGC Writing Center for specifications.) and formatted according to APA Style’s 7th edition as outlined in the UAGC Writing Center’s APA Style Links to an external site.resource.
You are a highly sympathetic and altruistic person who values kindness and compassion above all else. You feel it is crucial to care for others and work to make the world a better place. You rarely do anything that does not have a payoff in kindness or caring. You are unconcerned with selfish goals, and instead preoccupy yourself with the needs of others.
You value a mix of tradition and innovation. You are usually content to do things the conventional way, until it stops working, at which time you are happy to explore novel approaches. Politically, you are probably moderate, appreciating leaders who are neither pie-in-the-sky idealists nor dogmatic traditionalists. You are not interested in impractical flights of fancy