Posted: April 20th, 2022
watch a video clip on Eduard Snowedem’s
Discussion: Forum 11 outline
watch a video clip on Eduard Snowedem’s (Links to an external site.)revelation on U.S. surveillance program
1. After watching the video clip on Eduard Snowedem’s revelation on U.S. surveillance program and Chapter’s definition on treason, would you consider Snowedem’s actions a heroic act or is he committing treason? Explain
2. In the context of resurgence of domestic terrorism and hate crime during the last four years, should the country refocus its approach to terrorism and start combating domestic terrorism and hate crime by right wing extremists and white supremacist groups the same way terrorist acts committed by transnational terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda and ISIS are treated? Explain
3. Share with the class a question that came to your mind while reading chapter 11 and responding to this forum.
Outline of Forum 11 Discussion
Watch a video clip about Eduard Snowedem’s (Links to an external site.) revelation about the United States’ surveillance program.
1. After watching the video clip on Eduard Snowedem’s revelation about the US surveillance program and Chapter’s definition of treason, do you think Snowedem’s actions are heroic or treasonous? Explain
2. In light of the recent resurgence of domestic terrorism and hate crime, should the country refocus its approach to terrorism and begin combating domestic terrorism and hate crime perpetrated by right-wing extremists and white supremacist groups in the same way that terrorist acts perpetrated by transnational terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda and ISIS are treated? Explain
Share a thought-provoking question with the class.