Posted: March 2nd, 2022
W8D1 Wald Respond To Two
Discussion 1: What Is Your Worldview?
As a human being, an employee, a manager, or leader, or even as a friend, our values and beliefs shape who we are and how we act in various situations. In many cases, where we are from and how we were raised can have an important impact on the values and beliefs we hold dear. Think about the values and beliefs that help define you and shape your action. How can these values and beliefs help you during a conflict negotiation? How might they hurt you during the conflict negotiation process? As a manager or leader, how can you ensure your values and beliefs remain neutral and do not create a bias?
In this Discussion, explore your worldview and begin thinking about the values and beliefs that shape you.
To prepare for this Discussion, pay particular attention to the following Learning Resources:
• Review this week’s Learning Resources, especially:
o Managing Social Conflict –
o The Clash of Worldview –
o Chapter 7 – See attachment
Cahn, D. D., & Abigail, R. A. (2014). Managing conflict through communication (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Respond to at least two of your peers’ postings (listed below) in one or more of the following ways:
• Examine the ideas your peer presented and share whether you think they could have a positive effect on your organization or community? How could you take these ideas and implement them within your workplace or beyond?
• Share ideas you think your peer may have overlooked in considering any intractable issues within his or her social change ideas?
• Offer advice or guidance to your peer on how to make the positive change he or she proposed a reality.
• 3 -4 paragraphs
• No plagiarism
• APA citing
1st Colleague’s post – Natasha Mills
Natasha Mills
What Is Your Worldview?
According to Cahn & Abigail (2014), a worldview is the individual interpretation of the world depending on how one is socialized at school, in the community, at home, or in a place of worship, among other social spaces. Simply put, people develop worldviews from what they are socially and culturally exposed to. My worldview resulting from this exposure is that all people are equal, with no one being superior or inferior than the other. Many tend to think of themselves as more superior than other, such as is witnessed in the issue of racism. I believe otherwise because every individual usually has something unique to offer, making everyone superior in their own way, resulting in equality.
The social change project that I proposed in week 3 concerned an issue that strongly relates to differences in worldviews. I wanted to eliminate the long-standing conflict between my team and another department and create a more collaborative work environment that valued the contributions of all regardless of the department. Each of the departments perceived itself as superior to the other, a factor that was caused by the dislike of each other. Therefore, the issues were intractable (Cahn & Abigail, 2014). Creating this social change in my work environment is part of my grand social change plan of making people see one another as equal.
Intractable issues involve conflicting beliefs and values that cannot be resolved by negotiation and communication techniques only (Cahn & Abigail, 2014). The inability to use negotiation and communication techniques in resolving intractable issues makes the resolution process challenging. The intractable issues that might make my proposed change of making individuals see each other as equal and thereby treat one another with fairness difficult to achieve include the need for people and societies to feel dominant and historical trends. A historical trend such as the belief that the United States is a superpower, for instance, is a perception that makes some of its citizens feel superior and treat others unfairly. The nature of these issues cannot be addressed using negotiation and communication techniques only because they stem from beliefs and cultural values that can be difficult to disapprove.
From this course, I have learned that conflict is inevitable, and people adopt different strategies in resolving conflict issues. These strategies can be both functional and dysfunctional, resulting in the resolution of the conflict or the development of a conflict cycle (Cahn & Abigail, 2014). As an individual who now understands the difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict management strategies, I am well-positioned to promote positive social change by knowing how to approach conflict situations. In other words, I have obtained fundamental knowledge on how to approach conflict situations in ways that result in mutually satisfying outcomes. In a world that is perceived as very unfair, achieving mutually satisfying outcomes during conflict resolution translates to positive social change because this can be equated to fairness.
Worldviews dictate people’s behavior and underlie intractable issues that make conflict difficult to resolve (Cahn & Abigail, 2014). This fact applies to the general environment that people operate in, as well as the organizational context. Understanding that differences in worldviews is a key component of organizational conflict is instrumental to resolution because it leads to the adoption of the right strategies that lead to mutually satisfying outcomes. At the same time, this understanding can help managers promote and educate employees on understanding and tolerance of each other, also referred to as being civil. “Civility is a way of being attentive, acknowledging others, thinking the best of others, listening, being inclusive, speaking kindly, accepting others, respecting their boundaries, accepting personal responsibility, and apologizing when necessary (Cahn & Abigail, 2014, p.22). Therefore, as a manager, I will manage conflict issues in organizations by first acknowledging that conflict is inevitable due to differing worldviews and apply the necessary strategies obtained from this course to resolve them and create a corporate culture of understanding and tolerance.
Cahn, D. D., & Abigail, R. A. (2014). Managing conflict through communication (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
2nd Colleague’s post – Donna Tizzano
Donna Tizzano
RE: Discussion 1 – Week 8 Tizzano Initial Response
Hello Class,
Growing up, my parents, family, and culture helped form the values and beliefs that have shaped me into the person I am. These values and beliefs have formed the foundation of how I live my life and interact with others. I was raised Catholic by middle-class parents who taught my siblings and me, to be honest, kind, and respectful of others. They helped me develop a strong faith in God who helps me navigate my journey in life. They instilled in us a desire to be the best we could be and always do right by others. These values and beliefs helped me develop self-awareness and the qualities that I demonstrate in my personal and professional life, honesty, integrity, compassion, and humility. These qualities, values, beliefs, and rituals have shaped and formed my worldview.
I believe that we should live in a country where all individuals are free and have equal opportunities. I believe that people should be open and respectful of other people’s cultural beliefs, perspectives, and values. I believe that race should not be used as criteria for opportunity, but skills, work ethic, and ability should determine opportunities. I believe that we all have so much we can learn from one another if we are open and receptive to other perspectives. I believe people should not categorize themselves according to a political party but the values and qualities that make up the person representing these parties.
My worldview aligns with how I managed a conflict with a caregiver in our Medical Emergency Department that I described in week three. I utilized conflict management techniques that de-emphasized my rank because I wanted to create a climate where the caregiver would not become defensive. My goal was to set a neutral tone and create a nurturing environment to show empathy and concern for the reasons why the employee acted in the manner that she did. In choosing to provide a supportive open climate where we could have a non-threatening conversation, I was able to share the goals of the department and the responsibilities that she would be held accountable for moving forward. I focused on the issue, leaving emotions and rank out of the conversation, and I actively listened to her perspective of what caused the incident and the reasons behind her behaviors. This approach to conflict management aligns with my world views and how I manage conflicts and other interactions based on my characteristics and values.
The social change that I want to support in the world is making sure that opportunities are open to everyone fairly, not because of their financial class, whom they know, their culture, or race. On a small level, I ensure this happens when I hire caregivers to fill nursing positions, secretary positions, and nursing assistant positions at the hospital where I work. I am fortunate to work at a hospital that employs people from many different countries, so I have an opportunity to learn about cultures, beliefs, and rituals from all over the world.
Intractable issues are conflict issues involving differences in someone’s values, beliefs, or rituals and because of this, are challenging to resolve with only negotiation or communication skills(Cahn & Abigail, 2014). Intractable issues involve dislike and distrust of groups different from our own, resulting in differences in things that do not align with each other’s cultural beliefs or values (Cahn & Abigail, 2014).
Two theories are used to manage intractable issues. We have learned that the Critical Theory analyzes how groups use power within a society to cause oppression, exploitation, and injustice (Cahn & Abigail, 2014, p. 307). The Ripeness Theory is also used to address intractable issues in that the parties agree to negotiate the conflict issue, and when either party realizes they are reaching a level of “pain”, they will look for ways to decrease that “pain” (Cahn & Abigail, 2014). When parties realize they are at a stalemate, they will approach the conflict in a way that they can reach a mutually agreeable resolution.
In addition to the theories, we use to manage intractable issues, we must understand our own beliefs and assumptions about the issue we are dealing with to help us be open to the views of others. It is critical that we try to decrease the separation between us and those who don’t have the same worldview and see them as individuals with different views than ours (Cahn & Abigail, 2014). It is critical that we respect others and honor the values and beliefs of others by communicating in a constructive and nonviolent manner (Cahn & Abigail, 2014). In terms of the Social Change that I want to pursue, I believe if I stay true to my values of respect, honesty, integrity, empathy, and remain open to the perspectives and views of others, I won’t experience conflict when providing equal opportunities to those who come to apply for positions at the hospital.
When I can take my social change to a higher level, in the community or state that I live in, I anticipate push-back from people who do not hold the same worldview of equality or equal opportunity. I hope that I will always adhere to my values and beliefs and respect the views, beliefs, and values of those I meet. I will demonstrate civility to those who do not embrace my worldview and use the critical theory to identify powers causing oppression or neglect of other groups or minorities. I will also apply the Ripeness Theory utilizing negotiation and nonviolent communication to increase my understanding of others’ beliefs and values and to reach an agreeable resolution. These techniques will allow me to come to a mutual resolution or minimally recognize that everyone has a right to their own beliefs as long as these beliefs do not cause harm or oppression to others.
During this course, we have learned that we experience conflict daily. What was surprising to me is that I had been experiencing and managing conflict without even knowing it multiple times a day. Identifying my conflict management style, and learning strategies to create a cooperative, non-defensive atmosphere to work toward a mutually agreeable resolution, will be helpful when I attempt to promote positive social change. I recognize my approach to conflict is to use collaboration and confrontation to manage the situation. What will be helpful to me as I begin promoting social change is that I have learned how important it is to assess the conflict styles of others and how to adjust the strengths and weaknesses of my communication style to set the tone in the meeting. This way, I can create balance among the team and strive to reach an amicable solution (Conerly and Tripathi, 2004).
As previously mentioned, I am fortunate to work at a hospital where people from many different cultures and countries come to work, and all have different worldviews. Often, I have observed differences in beliefs and customs related to what females can and cannot do in certain countries as well as differences with what women can and cannot wear in the United States due to their religious beliefs. In our organization, we manage these differences by asking our residents to share their valued customs and rituals to learn what is important to them so we can be respectful to their customs and different aspects of their culture.
Our hospital is very diverse, we enjoy learning about the different countries the Residents come from and the beliefs and customs that shape their behaviors and views. To share our culture and mission, upon arrival to the hospital, we provide the Residents with a class sharing with them the story of the Sisters of Charity and how our hospital was founded. During this discussion, we share how important our Core Values of respect, quality, integrity, teamwork, and accountability are to each of us. We also explain the Mission; to continue the healing mission of Christ to all who enter our doors. By promoting understanding and respect of everyone’s diversity and different views, and aligning all our strategies with our Mission and Core Values, everyone understands what is expected of them and what they will be held accountable for. As a Servant Leader, I model the values and behaviors that I want my caregivers to demonstrate to promote cultural understanding and tolerance. When issues arise, I utilize the skills and techniques that I have learned in this class to manage cultural conflict.
To help educate others and promote cultural understanding, our hospital celebrates Holidays from other cultures. The physicians will dress in their native dress and bake or cook food that represents their culture to share with others. I find the different rituals and beliefs fascinating and have developed some lasting friendships from all over the world. By being aware of our own values and beliefs and being respectful and open to the values and beliefs of others, we will be successful in promoting social change in the world.
Make it a great week!