Posted: January 28th, 2022
Unit 9 Discussion MN 556 Helping and Healing Relationships
Topic: Helping and Healing Relationships
Consider the various steps of the nursing process in order to address the following critical thinking questions.
As a healthcare provider, discuss ways in which you will establish a helping hand and healing relationship with your patient and their families.
How will you develop professional partnerships with health care team members in your clinical practice?
What personal behaviors, biases, and attitudes would you have to change to develop these professional relationships?
● No grammar, word usage, or punctuation errors. Overall style is consistent with professional work.
● Writing style facilitates communication.
● Provides three references that are relevant to the content and published within the last five years.
Relationships in Need of Assistance and Healing
Consider the many parts of the nursing process in order to respond to the critical thinking questions that follow this section.
As a healthcare provider, talk with your patients and their family how you will create a helping hand and healing relationship with them.
In your clinical practice, how will you establish professional relationships with other members of the health-care team?
Was it necessary for you to alter your personal behaviors, biases, and attitudes in order to create these professional relationships?
There are no grammatical, word-usage, or punctuation mistakes. Provides three references that are relevant to the material and have been published within the last five years. Overall style is consistent with professional work. Writing style is easy to understand.
APA FORMAT 7 (American Psychological Association)