Posted: January 28th, 2022
Two gear wheels are such that, when they are engaged, their angular speeds are inversely proportional to their radii. essay
Two gear wheels are such that, when they are engaged, their angular speeds are inversely proportional to their radii.
Two gear wheels are such that, when they are engaged, their angular speeds are inversely proportional to their radii.
Two gear wheels are such that, when they are engaged, their angular speeds are inversely proportional to their radii. One has a radius a and moment of inertia pa2 about its axis of rotation. The other gear wheel has radius b and moment of inertia qb2 . The first is rotating with angular speed when it engages with the second which is initially at rest.
i) By considering the change in angular momentum of each wheel separately, find the impulse between the teeth of the gear wheels when they engage.
ii) Find the angular speed of each wheel.
iii) Why is the angular momentum not conserved?
iv) F
The angular speeds of two gear wheels are inversely proportional to their radii when they are engaged.
The angular speeds of two gear wheels are inversely proportional to their radii when they are engaged.
The angular speeds of two gear wheels are inversely proportional to their radii when they are engaged. Around its axis of rotation, one has a radius a and a moment of inertia pa2. The radius of the other gear wheel is b, and the moment of inertia is qb2. When the first engages with the second, which is initially at rest, it rotates with angular speed.