Posted: October 11th, 2022
Trouble the Water
Watch “Trouble the Water”, then answer the following questions:
1. Discuss how poor people, especially poor people of color, were affected by Hurricane Katrina.
2. How did their lack of privilege drastically affect their lives during and after the disaster?
3. What things could have been done differently to achieve more equality in the care?
4. Do some reading about the effects today online. Do you think that things have gotten better since?
Trouble the Water
Trouble the water is a documentary that shows the events of Hurricane Katrina. This hurricane affected the poor people in the region, more so the people of color. These people were displaced from their settlements, and some got shelter from their friends while others sought help in shelter homes. They faced racial discrimination and did not get a chance for any government help due to their status and poverty. These groups of people faced a lot of betrayals, more so a black couple that had recorded the hurricane’s happenings from their house.
Due to their lack of privilege, they faced discrimination from the government, which did not help them but instead made their situation worse. Their neighborhoods got destroyed by the floods causing their displacement and leaving them homeless. As a result of this happening and lack of privilege, many lost their lives because they could not evacuate, some of which could have been saved. The government should have treated all people equally and given the aid required to everybody, such as helping evacuate rather than discriminating against them and leaving them on their own and for the dead. The aid provided to other groups should have been distributed equally despite their color or social status.
Despite a reduction in racial inequalities, there has been growing economic inequality and week economic recovery. Poverty rates among people of color increased after the hurricane. To prevent a repeat of the effects the calamity brought, the government should set aside emergency plans for the most disadvantaged to ensure they get first-hand help in any other calamity. The government should ensure that they treat all people in equal measures despite their race or social status.