Posted: October 24th, 2022
Trirova Tech RFP
This proposal aims to cover the problem at Seamus Company (SC), which are optimizing company operations and improving product portfolio management (PPM). The recommended solution for the problem includes the integration of Trirova’s bestselling PPM software, ROOH V100. Seamus Company shall benefit from this project as the technological platform offers an easy way for management enact prioritization of products effectively. Objectives of the solution will aim at improved alignment of the portfolio to fit business strategy. The funding requirements shall revolve around instructor fees, the software package, labor for installation, transportation of Trirova’s team, training material, and miscellaneous in case of unseen delay or failure. We believe that integration of ROOH V100 will improve company functionality.
Proposed solution
At Trirova Tech Solutions, we believe that technology is the key to resolving product portfolio challenges (PPM) for better company optimization. SC has products that are doing well in the market while others are performing fairly well while some have not yet returned profit. SC tends to consider all its projects as high priority regardless of their profits. We want to partition these projects based on prioritization through the integration of our best PPM software service, ROOH V100. This solution will enable CS to see four types of issues that face their PPM: (1) excessive projects for the available resources (2) ineffective back and forth decisions (3) market opportunities that were missed (4) inconsistent patterns in measuring the value of the projects.
Implementation of the proposed solution.
There are three sources that support this implementation technique and they are:
1. Fayez in his book Cases of Enterprise information which supports the system testing activity as well as the rollout phase. He claims that system testing is important since it identifies possible issues that may be encountered once the project is implemented in real life. The rollout phase is also vital since it allows the users to use the system without support. This lets the project team note the challnges the users face as they venure into the system. It is possible to note confusion, failures and inability to run the system.
2. HDI service in the book Implementing Service and Support Management Processes claim that during an implementation, there are many issues that will need a resolution. It is also common for users to request for enhancements. Hence the inclusion of the testing and refining phase in our implementation process.
3. Bailey in his study navigating the Digital Shift stated that an implementation of a blended environment is necessary as much as it is complex. Hence the need to work with stakeholders and management during strategic planning, which is the first step in the implementation process. Bailey also claims that these individuals have sponsorship from the top and have authority and influence to be successful. That is why Trirovawill insist on integrating their team with the members of Seamus Corp.
Strategic Planning: This phase will entail physical meetings to ensure that the business needs align with the proposed solution.
Building the Team: will involve pulling a team of SC IT members, Trirova Portfolio managers, and key stakeholders to work hand in hand on decision making.
Project Data Collection: Assessing ongoing projects and the project pipeline against the organization’s strategy is an important step towards project portfolio management (Windsor, 2019).
Projects Evaluation: during this phase, the gathered data is analyzed for ranking and scoring. Portfolio Creation: at this point, Trirovawill attempt to create a portfolio refined from the current portfolio.
Testing and Refining: during this stage, the sample portfolio shall be tested by introducing it to management to get feedback.
PPM Rollout: During this phase, our team (Faharaja) shall prepare to roll out in a departmental phase to phase process where each department shall be advised on how to use the system.
Acomplishment of goals, supporting objectives, and deliverables
Our goals, supporting objective, and deliverables shall entail: (1) improved alignment in business strategy and portfolio selection (2) improved visibility (3) Improved information collaboration (4) improved financial management, and (6) improved risk management. Through the support of senior management, it will be possible to achieve the above goals and supporting objectives. ROOH V100 is a collaborative software that is user-friendly to achieve the intended results.
December 2019 January 2020 February 2020 March 2021 April 2020 May 2020
Strategic Planning
Building the Team
Data Collection
Portfolio Creation
Testing and Refining
List of resources and costs
Resource Name Cost
Labor $ 2800p.m *6 = $16800
Transport $600p.m *6 = $3600
Instructor $1500p.m *6= $9000
Software Package $1000p.m *6= $6000
Training Material $200p.m *6 = $1200
Miscelleneous $500p.m *6 = $3000
Total for six months period $39600
Miscellaneous will involve fees for any unforeseen challenges such as unresponsive SC hardware or unavoidable reasonable delays. We encourage management not to look at this project as an expenditure but rather an investment.
Evaluation framework
The evaluation process for the project will entail an analysis that cuts across system quality, information quality, and service quality. These three aspects of the framework will inform on whether the management and user needs are met, and both are satisfied. The system quality shall be evaluated through functionality to analyze whether the software meets the intended purpose. Information quality will focus on errors such as unavailability due to slowdowns, outages or disconnections to check whether the software is performing accordingly. Service will be evaluated in terms of ease of use, competence, and satisfaction. The project’s success must be measured on its effectiveness and responsiveness.
ROOH V100 as a technology solution meets the business needs of SC because it offers a double-sided benefit to both the company and its consumers. It provides an easy way for both to interact with the projects through a mutual platform where the management can monitor progress and access analytics while the consumer also enjoys the benefits of portfolio generated based on their needs. The objective of Project Portfolio Management (PPM) is to determine the optimal mix and sequencing of proposed projects to best achieve the organization’s overall business objectives typically expressed in hard economic measures and business strategy goals (Martin, 2018).
JoAnn Miller
Seamus Company
Supply Chain Management
650 N South Street
Dillberg, WI 99999
Ph: 800-555-0199
Fax: 800-555-0199
Dear Ms. Miller:
This letter is written to express Trirova Tech’s interest in the RFP for technology enhancements at Seamus Company. We believe that our strategy will offer innovative technological enhancements. Trirova aims to improve the PPM of your firm through the integration of a software platform that serves both the firm and its consumers. The platform acts as a project analysis tool as well as an end-user interface. We believe that this strategy will cut across management functions by automating functions steered to the success of the company. The software is a friendly application that works for the success of the company by minimizing risks and pointing out potential success points across current and future projects. At the same time, it is possible to integrate the software as a widget across online platforms that offer your products. This will ensure that the consumers are able to access more products and learn accordingly hence improving customer satisfaction.
We hope that you have a look at our attached proposal to get insight on the product. As more companies venture into technology, we believe that this product will serve as an advantage to your company. Your feedback will be highly appreciated.
Trirova Tech Corp
Bailey, J. (2013). Navigating The Digital Shift: Implementation Strategies for Blended and Online Leraning. Digital Learning. Retrieved from
Fayez, A. Cases on Enterprise Information Systems and Implementation Stages: Learning from the Gulf Region (pp.13). IGI Global. Retrieved from
HDI. (2005). Implementing Service and Support Management Processes: A Practical Guide (pp.197). The Stationery Office. Retrived from
Martin, (2018). One-Page Plan for Successful Portfolio Management. Retrieved 25 Octoeber 2019, from
Windsor, (2019). 9 Steps for Implementing Successful Project Portfolio Management. Retrieved 25 October 2019, from