Posted: November 19th, 2022
Triage care
Triage care
Project description
As a nursing student what you would do?
Prompt: FIU emergency system just announced a bomb explosion in the architectural building. As a college of nursing you and your colleagues decide to act and assist the police department with the medical aspect of triage care. Where do you begin? What plan of action can you suggest at this time?
In the event of a bomb explosion in the architectural building, rescue operations, and medical attention is urgently needed. As nursing students, an essential role to play is quick assessment and classification of patients according to their injuries sustained and conditions. Proper classification will ensure that patients are attended to at the right priority. And this will avoid losing more lives based on the delays to attend to the patients who need the medical attention first. The course of action to take is to employ the emergency protocols (triage care).
Triage care concerns with the categorization of patients by their treatment priority. For the incidence of the bomb explosion, applying a three-tier system will save lives. The first designation is the level 1 (critical condition: life threatening). Patients of this category require immediate and continuous medical care. Triage care is concerned with categorizing patients based on their treatment priority. A three-tier system will save lives in the event of a bomb explosion. The first classification is level 1. (critical condition: life threatening). Patients in this category require immediate and ongoing medical attention. Some of the indications to qualify one to be categorized in this group are severe trauma, respiratory distress, shock, cardiac arrest, and seizure. Level 2 (emergent: imminently life threatening) require medical care within thirty minutes. Level 2 has signs include significant fracture, severe pain, and chest pain. Level 3 (urgent: potentially life-threatening) requires medical care in half an hour to one hour. One of the indications is the abrasion (Yoost& Crawford, 2015).
In conclusion, during the process of triage care, the nursing should collect and keep the records on the information that will form the basis of care for such patient. Dividing the nursing students into groups will be useful because as other students perform the quick assessments and categorization, other can perform first aid on the site. Corporation between the student and the police in the bomb explosion will save lives.
Yoost, B. L., & Crawford, L. R. (2015). Fundamentals of nursing: Active learning for collaborative practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.