Posted: May 1st, 2022
Students will address how they would work with their client using the knowledge obtained from the course. Papers will address models of addiction, information on addictive substances, co-occurring disorders, a theoretical approach and treatment plan, level of treatment, and the counselor’s work with the client, the family, and group/12-step treatment modalities. All papers will be written in APA format. Length is 6-8 pages not including title page or references (abstract not necessary).
Each paper must be 6 – 8 pages (not including title and reference pages). Each paper must include at least 4-5 references in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible. Current APA edition format rules are in effect (1/2” indents, 1” margins, double-spacing, etc.).
The treatment/relapse prevention plan should include the following:
1. Diagnostic Impressions: Information about the client’s addictive substance(s) and use. What is the course of the client’s use? (When is it better, when is it worse, what are the triggers, and etc.?) Also, are there any other repetitive behaviors? What are the client’s co-occurring disorder(s)? Using the DSM-5, describe the diagnosis, descriptions, and specifiers. Diagnostic rationale is clear and well formulated. Include co-occurring disorders and diagnostic rational.
2. Treatment Recommendations and Resources to Maintain Sobriety: Suggest at least 3 research-based treatment recommendation that would be the most helpful with the client along with a rational for each recommendation. Include your theoretical approach. Recommendations reflect client motivation and collaborative approach. At least 3 resources supported by evidence-based research.
3. Counselor’s Role & Inclusion of Client’s Influences in Treatment: What is the counselor’s role and relationship with the client? How will the counselor work and include the client’s family, group/12-step treatment modalities, and community?
4. Model of Addiction: What type of model of addiction should be used? How is the model of addiction linked to the treatment plan? Order of priority of issues is clearly linked to possible treatment outcomes.
5. Quality of Treatment Plan (Treatment Plan Worksheet Template located below): Students will need to complete the Treatment Plan Worksheet and include the following:
a. Problem statement is clear, concise, and relevant to client issues.
b. Goal statement is worded in terms of what client needs/wants more of or new skills, not in terms of “reducing” or “eliminating”. For example, “The client will….”
c. Objective is stated in terms of observable client behavior.
d. Intervention is stated in terms of specific counselor behavior and incorporate the research-based treatment recommendations. For example, “The counselor will….”
The Treatment Plan Worksheet contains an outline that includes: Problem, Goal, Objective, and Intervention statements. You will include this as part of your Treatment/Relapse Prevention Plan Assignment.
Be sure to review the Treatment/Relapse Prevention Plan Grading Rubric before beginning this Treatment/Relapse Prevention Plan Assignment.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism too
Students will discuss how they would work with their client based on what they learned in class. Models of addiction, information on addictive substances, co-occurring disorders, a theoretical approach and treatment plan, level of treatment, and the counselor’s work with the client, family, and group/12-step treatment modalities will all be discussed in the papers. All papers will be formatted in the APA style. The length of the paper is 6-8 pages, excluding the title page and references (abstract not necessary).
Each paper should be 6–8 pages long (not including title and reference pages). In addition to the course textbooks and the Bible, each paper must include at least 4-5 references. The current APA edition format rules apply (half-inch indents, one-inch margins, double-spacing, and so on).
Treatment and relapse