Posted: January 18th, 2023
Topic: Week 2 – Discussion 1 Stressor
Topic: Week 2 – Discussion 1 The “parenting happiness gap X Marriage & Family – Summary
Respond to any 1 prompt from each chapter of the following prompts in an original discussion post by midnight, Day 4 of Week 2.
After you respond to 2 prompts in an original post, you are also required to provide substantive responses to at least 2 of your classmates’ posts and to remain active on at least 2 additional days during Week 2. Prompts: Chapter 4: Society and Social Interactions
1. Share a major stressor in your life (e.g., childcare, unemployment, family, etc.) and explain if that stressor exists in the three various types of societies described in the readings. How would that stressor be addressed in those three societies? 2. Explain both the Thomas theorem and the self-fulfilling prophecy. Summarize a time when you have experienced the self-fulfilling prophecy. Make sure to explain how your sense of reality was shaped and whether others could have perceived the situation as a different reality. 3. Explain one of the following three theories in detail: Merton’s role theory, Goffman’s role performance, or Cooley’s looking-glass self. Apply the theory to your current life situation. Next, predict how your life will be different one year after graduating from college and utilize the same theory to describe your future life scenario.
Chapter 14: Marriage and Family
1. In the present, we see several variations to what constitutes a family: nuclear, single-parent, cohabiting, or same-sex. Pick one type of family system which you think has experienced the most significant change in the past 2-3 decades. Explain why that family type changed the most by supporting your discussion using the unit’s content in the textbook and outside resources. 2. Discuss the social institution of marriage and family using any two of the three theoretical perspectives – functionalism, conflict, and symbolic interactionism. Which perspective fits your idea of what marriage and family are, and their place in our society? 3. Discuss the social institution of marriage and family using any two of the three theoretical perspectives – functionalism, conflict, and symbolic interactionism. Which perspective fits your idea of what marriage and family are, and their place in our society?
Weekly Discussion Guidelines
Original discussion posts:
• Answer both the questions in one single post rather than respond to each question in different posts. • You should answer all parts of the questions you chose to answer. • Number your answers corresponding to the prompt numbers listed above, and split your answers into separate paragraphs. • Use of concepts and theories wherever relevant is highly recommended for full grade. It will also help you in your exams and while writing your essay. • Students must first post their answers before they can view or reply to other students’ posts.
A major stressor in my life is balancing work and family responsibilities. In a traditional society, this stressor may be addressed through a strict gender role division, where the man is the primary breadwinner and the woman is responsible for domestic and childcare duties. In a modern society, this stressor may be addressed through more flexible gender roles and the availability of childcare and other support services. In a post-modern society, this stressor may be addressed through individualized solutions, such as shared parenting arrangements and more flexible work schedules.
The Thomas theorem states that “if men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences.” The self-fulfilling prophecy is when a person’s expectations or beliefs about a situation influence their actions, leading to the outcome they expected. I have experienced the self-fulfilling prophecy in my job performance. I have been in a job where I lacked confidence in my abilities and would not put in much effort, and as a result, I performed poorly, which confirms my belief that I am not good at the job. Others could have perceived the situation as a different reality, where I am capable of performing well if I put in more effort.
I will explain Merton’s role theory. Merton’s role theory states that people conform to societal expectations and norms through their roles, which are sets of expected behaviors associated with a particular status. For example, as a student, I am expected to attend classes, complete assignments, and study for exams. In my current life situation, I am conforming to the role of a student, which is associated with the status of being a student. One year after graduating from college, I will take on the role of a professional in my chosen field. I will have a different set of expected behaviors associated with the status of being a professional. This will include attending meetings, completing projects, and meeting deadlines.