Posted: February 19th, 2022
TOPIC: slavery
TOPIC: slavery
SUBJECT: History
TYPE: Essay (any type)
For this project, I want you to address the issue of slavery in a global setting. You, as American students, are aware of the issue in America. Slavery has been in existence all through history; you have studied the issue this semester in areas other than the United States. You need to research the topic; be aware of the pros and cons; write a paper describing your findings; and include an effect on you as a student in the twenty-first century. You will include the different areas where slavery existed, including the United States, and reveal the effect on these areas. I expect documentation and substance. Use at least three scholarly sources. Scholarly means .edu, .org, and databases. Do not use anything from Wikipedia. I disallow Wikipedia because the possibility of inaccurate information. You are allowed to reference the textbook in the paper, but also use three outside sources. You will need to provide a Work Cited page, I am allowing MLA citations since you are most familiar with this style. Use parenthetical referencing in your paper. The paper is to be 5-6 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12 font, and in a Word document (I do not want PDF or Mac). Title your paper on the first line and place your name at the end of the paper right-justified; do not use a MLA heading.